Facebook looked completely different 11 years ago - here's what's changed over the years
Facebook looked completely different 11 years ago - here's what's changed over the years
Remember when Facebook was called Thefacebook? It started at Harvard and slowly opened up to other colleges.
This is what a Facebook group page looked like in 2005.
For comparison, this is what a Facebook group page looks like today.
Back in 2005, before the News Feed launched, Facebook was essentially just a collection of disconnected profiles.
Check out Mark Zuckerberg's profile in 2006.
Facebook launched the News Feed to display all your friends' activity in a single timeline in 2006.
At the same time, Facebook introduced the Mini-Feed. But the entire concept of a News Feed resulted in some very public outrage. Some users even went so far to call one of Facebook's product managers the devil.
In 2009, Facebook's home page got a facelift. It started to creep onto Twitter's territory with the addition of a real-time News Feed. That same year, Facebook also introduced its algorithm for determining the order in which status updates should be displayed.
In 2010, Facebook brought notifications to the top navigation bar following yet another redesign.
Facebook rolled out a new, more visual profile in 2010. It added a row of recently tagged images below your name and basic profile information.
Facebook launched the News Ticker in 2011 so users could keep up with their friends while browsing through other parts of Facebook.
The Facebook Timeline feels like it's been around since the beginning. But it launched in 2011 to act as a virtual timeline of your entire life.
Facebook started flooding the News Feed with sponsored stories in January 2012.
Here's what Facebook's News Feed looks like today.
This is what Facebook's mobile app looked like when it first launched.
It has been completely redesigned.
Now, check out early Facebook from a DIFFERENT perspective ...