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  5. These 7 startup sales execs are on the front lines of trying to close tech deals in the new coronavirus climate. They say the pain - and layoffs - have already begun.

These 7 startup sales execs are on the front lines of trying to close tech deals in the new coronavirus climate. They say the pain - and layoffs - have already begun.

Julie Bort   

These 7 startup sales execs are on the front lines of trying to close tech deals in the new coronavirus climate. They say the pain - and layoffs - have already begun.
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  • Investors and pundits are looking at the impact of the coronavirus and predicting some dire economic times ahead.
  • We wanted to now how the shuttering of tech conferences and the moratorium on travel will impact the tech industry.
  • So we went straight to the source and asked salespeople at seven tech startups.
  • They all agreed that Q1 and possibly Q2 would be challenging, not prosperous, although many remained hopeful for the rest of the year
  • Some sales experts predict that, should a recession hit hard, salespeople will be the ones to be hurt first.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Last week, Anthony Franklin, head of sales for marketing tech startup Connect Now, was just about to write a calming LinkedIn post about the ways fear can impact a sales team in light of the coronavirus.

Then he got called into the CEO's office and was laid off - due to the impact of the virus on the company's sales prospects.

Franklin was shocked, he told Business Insider, because the coronavirus hadn't yet seriously hampered sales. He was still on track to close deals and felt he had a reasonably full pipeline to pursue in the next quarter or whenever the world recovered from the pandemic, he said.

"I think fear has a lot to do in sales anyway. If you're not making quota you fear that you are expendable. If you are not making numbers, the fear is that there's going to be a scapegoat," Franklin said.

He's not the only one. There's a growing number of people posting on LinkedIn that they've been laid off due to the Coronavirus, with the events, hospitality and travel industries particularly hard hit.

The outlook is scary for the tech industry, too, especially at startups.

Business Insider talked to 7 tech sales pros who painted a downcast picture about Q1 and possibly Q2 sales. However, most of them said the current quarter won't be a total bust, and they remain hopeful about the full year's prospects.

(Some of them requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press although Business Insider confirmed the identities of all of them.)

"I've already lost two deals due to budget freezes (hardware companies impacted by Chinese manufacturing slow down), and gained two unexpected opportunities from orgs needing to rely on something other than live events to generate leads and pipeline," said a salesperson from a Canadian, 150-employee, marketing tech startup.

A Silicon Valley salesperson agreed.

"It's going to be a little rough short term. We're not optimistic about it," said the top salesperson of a growth stage Silicon Valley startup valued at $500 million. "I don't think any of us are like, 'We're going to have a record month.' But I don't think the opposite is true, either. I don't know if we'll have our worst quarter, either."

Double whammy

Cancelled tech conferences and limited travel means that salespeople are not getting the face-to-face meetings with clients and prospects that's so crucial for closing big deals.

But more than that is that "people are just not ready to buy naturally and not willing to go through the sales process as a buyer right now. They are more cautious than ever," the salesperson at the growth-stage startup said.

In fact, a poll of 140 "top 5%" sellers in the tech industry conducted last week by Bravado, a social network for salespeople with 60,000 members, found that for most salespeople new business has slowed to a trickle.

Respondents included verified top sellers at public companies like Microsoft, Alteryx, Square, Twitter, Slack, Zoom and IBM as well as startups, Bravado founder and CEO Sahil Mansuri said.

"The responses were shocking. 83% of top 5% sellers said the coronavirus has negatively impacted their sales team. All opportunities are stalled and who knows what April is going to look like," Mansuri told Business Insider. "Sales leaders are expected to have big misses in Q1."

The coronavirus is shuttering business during the last half of March, the final weeks of the quarter. That's when most tech deals traditionally close each quarter, Mansuri said.

For some sales folks, customers and prospects aren't just postponing, but outright ghosting.

"I'm scared that a lot of sales team are going to get screwed. If they can't close deals, they'll have to lay off the sales team," Mansuri said.

And even those that don't get fired may wind up in arrears of their company "draws" or the ability to borrow money against their future commissions, Mansuri fears.

Bravado poll

Sales as scapegoat

Sales consultant Belal Batrawy, who's had a long career in enterprise tech sales and now consults for a handful of startups, also fears that salespeople are going to be hurt.

"The problem is that most of sales leadership comes from being the top seller and they just get promoted, they never get trained as a manager. In a crises like this they are way out of league," Batrawy said.

Some of them have known nothing but good times.

"I don't think a lot of people have been through a recession," says Jim Walker, vice president of marketing for Cockroach Labs. "In the last 12 to 13 years, a lot of new people entered the work force and none of them have seen something like this. I do think IT is a little insulated."

Batrawy argues that some salespeople are being set up as the fall guys.

"Any company that changes their forecast revenue should also retire quotas for sales reps," said Batrawy. Quotas are the base amount a salesperson is required to sell, after which they get larger commissions.

Among the sales folks we talked to, quotas are not being lowered. Some hope they'll have plenty of time in the year to make up for a slow first quarter or half.

Others are using the coronavirus to pitch their wares, and being called out as profiteers. As one sales consultant on LinkedIn posted, "Anyone using FEAR, UNCERTAINTY & DOUBT about the virus' impact on business to make a sales pitch for their product or service is about the worst kind of seller EVER."

All of this is adding up to a dry Q1 and, probably, a slow Q2, for a lot of young tech companies.

For startups that are short on cash and living on shoestring budgets, this slowdown could be the end of them.

"Sales are often scapegoats for a poorly run organization," said one laid-off tech salesperson at a less-than 50 person startup. "We were already in sort of a fatal pinch, a startup that was running out of runway [i.e. cash]. This accelerated it even more. Today I got an email saying payroll will not be paid out on the day its supposed to."

The good news

There are some startups that could prosper because of the pandemic, or in spite of it.

"Where can we get creative and use the tools we have to interact with people?" says Cockroach Labs' Walker. For instance, Cockroach Labs, which makes a popular cloud database, uses its booths at big developer conferences to gather leads by raising money for Women Who Code. Every time someone let them scan a badge, the company made a donation, to the tune of $14,500 last year.

After all the tech conferences were cancelled, Walker and team decided to try adapting the plan to virtual developer events. Last week they began advertising around such events, asking people to share their email in exchange for a $3 donation or a $100 if they agree to the meeting.

It's too soon to say how well it will work but Walker says that the company has not reduced its quotas and "we are in within a couple of percentage points where we are going to be."

Since the coronavirus has forced so many people to work from home, salesperson Sam Rubashkin has been slammed with calls from new prospects, he says. He works for Torii, a software provider that helps IT pros find, track and manage all of their employees cloud apps, and help companies save money on such things.

"I've been talking to prospects and customers all day. They are IT people supporting people at home, trying to secure data and wondering how they are going to do this," Rubashkin said.

Tech tools that help companies support remote work are having a heyday. And, with a recession looming, those that save money should do well, too, he believes.

Still, he's feeling cautious about how quickly all this interest will result actual sales.

"That's the billion question. Are companies going to be able to pull the trigger on new purchases? I'm expecting a tighter due diligence on any cash spend," he says.

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