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Business Insider IndiaHere's how to block contacts from adding you to WhatsApp groupsPixabay
WhatsApp's new privacy feature that blocks users from adding you to groups rolls out starting today.
You can access the new features from the messaging app's privacy settings.
You can also block all your contacts from sending group invites using the 'select all' option
WhatsApp announced a new privacy feature for WhatsApp groups yesterday. By default, any contact can add you to a WhatsApp group. Some groups are important and share relevant information. Others end up being a bit of a nuisance, especially if they're spamming your notifications.
WhatsApp's new privacy feature now allows you to block certain, or all, contacts from adding you to groups. Contacts on the block list will still be able to inform you about a new group but only through an invite link, which expires in three days — they won't be able to add you to any group directly without your consent.
Here’s how you can block contacts from adding you to groups on WhatsApp:
1. Open WhatsApp and select ‘Settings’ from the main menu.
2. In ‘Settings’, select ‘Account’.
3. In the ‘Account’ menu, select the first option — Privacy.
4. Within the ‘Privacy’ menu scroll down to ‘Groups’.
5. Here you will have to option to choose either ‘Everyone’, ‘My contacts’ or ‘My contacts except...’.
6. To block certain users, select ‘My contacts expect...’ and choose the users you wish you restrict. You can either scroll for names and navigate using the search bar.
7. Alternatively, you can block everyone by using the select all option in the top right corner.
8. Once you’re done, just click the green check mark in the lower right corner and your settings will be saved.