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A massive new 'Star Wars' game is about to launch, and it looks incredible

"Star Wars Battlefront 2" launches on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on November 17. Here are some trailers to hold you over in the meantime:

A massive new 'Star Wars' game is about to launch, and it looks incredible

There are large-scale battles in the game's single-player campaign as well, sometimes with vehicles like this massive tank.

There are large-scale battles in the game

And Rey versus these Imperial troopers:

And Rey versus these Imperial troopers:

The following major "Star Wars" characters appear as playable characters in "Battlefront 2": 

-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Lando Calrissian
-Darth Vader
-Emperor Palpatine
-Boba Fett
-Iden Versio
-Darth Maul
-Kylo Ren

The characters are playable as "Hero" characters within the game's multiplayer section. They essentially act like a "superpower," enabling you to take out a lot of enemy players with powerful attacks — not unlike what might happen if Kylo Ren showed up in the middle of a skirmish.

Additionally, they star in a "Heroes vs Villains" mode that specifically pits the stars of "Star Wars" against each other.

You're not just shooting enemies with lasers in exotic space locales in "Battlefront 2" — there are instances of actually playing as (and against) famous Star Wars characters. Like Yoda versus Darth Maul here:


Your character has Stormtroopers at her side, but also at least one Wookie gearing up to help you battle in "Battlefront 2."

Your character has Stormtroopers at her side, but also at least one Wookie gearing up to help you battle in "Battlefront 2."

Wookies can be called in as support characters during multiplayer, and it looks like some appear in the game's single-player story as well. As you might imagine, they're stronger than the average person.

More than just dogfighting over cities, there are outright space battles in "Battlefront 2.'

More than just dogfighting over cities, there are outright space battles in "Battlefront 2.

She also hops into fighter jets to take out fools. Which is to say: Yes, there is vehicle-based combat in the single-player story campaign as well as the multiplayer.

She also hops into fighter jets to take out fools. Which is to say: Yes, there is vehicle-based combat in the single-player story campaign as well as the multiplayer.

There isn't a lot of information about how the story in "Battlefront 2" plays out, but we know it's an entirely new story in set in the "Star Wars" universe. To that end, you'll encounter some recognizable faces along the way.

Also, as seen above, you get to pilot some pretty sweet ships. 

Through her journey of revenge, Iden visits a variety of stunning locals.

Through her journey of revenge, Iden visits a variety of stunning locals.

Rather than a saber-wielding Jedi, you're a trooper. And that means guns instead of future-swords. This is a first-person shooter, first and foremost.

Rather than a saber-wielding Jedi, you

Since she's an Imperial soldier and not a Jedi, she has no Force powers to use on enemies. This is a game focused on shooting, and she'll apparently be shooting a lot of Rebel forces — she's "fighting for the future of the Empire," according to "Star Wars" cast member John Boyega in a recent video.

The Emperor is dead, the Death Star is gone, and she's fighting for whatever's left. 

"Battlefront 2" takes place in the aftermath of "Return of the Jedi" (the final film in the original "Star Wars" trilogy).

"Battlefront 2" takes place in the aftermath of "Return of the Jedi" (the final film in the original "Star Wars" trilogy).

The second Death Star has just exploded, and you're an Imperial soldier with revenge on the brain. Iden Versio's story is one of vengeance, seemingly set 30 or so years after the explosion of the aforementioned space base. 

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