Its iconic pink mustaches - and even thick strands of the mustaches - are everywhere. Employees can steal away in secret libraries, on the roof deck, or in one of a few cafeterias to get work done.
Business Insider visited Lyft in September and sat down with CEO John Zimmer. Zimmer says when he's having a rough day at work, he takes a Lyft car to and from the office. He doesn't tell the drivers he's CEO of the company that employs them (although he does if they ask).
Zimmer says hearing how Lyft has improved their lives is the best kind of pick-me-up; it helps him deal with legal headaches in the ride-sharing industry, and a not-so-passive-aggressive war with its main competitor, Uber. Uber recently stole Lyft's COO and runs advertising campaigns encouraging people to "shave the 'stache."
Lyft is currently doing millions of rides per month on its platform, with revenue growing 40% month over month.