Scams that target Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks are on the rise. Based on data from the Cheetah Mobile Threat Lab charted for us by Business Insider Intelligence, there's been a rise of apps that are designed to trick customers into thinking they're the real McCoy, asking for personal information so they can access a user's phone for the sake of stealing personal and financial information.
According to researchers at the Cheetah Mobile Threat Lab, in the first eight months of this year, more than 15,000 fake apps have affected more than 100 million users across all the major social networks, with Facebook being the most vulnerable site with 8,107 imposter apps detected. To make sure you haven't downloaded a fake app, check the app file size (scam apps are usually very small), and check the app's permissions, since fake apps will usually ask to send text messages and be able to access the internet on your behalf. And if it asks for a password or any sensitive financial information, avoid it at all costs.
Business Insider Intelligence