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Apple's Next iPhone Might Have 'The Biggest Camera Jump Ever'

Apple's Next iPhone Might Have 'The Biggest Camera Jump Ever'
Tech1 min read

iphone 6 camera review shot

Business Insider

The iPhone 6's camera.

Apple could make some noticeable and significant changes to the next iPhone's camera system, according to Daring Fireball's John Gruber.

Gruber, who has an excellent track record when it comes to Apple product news, said in a recent podcast that the next iPhone's camera could be "the biggest camera jump ever."

Blog The Tech Block (via MacRumors) was the first to pick up on this nugget in Gruber's podcast "The Talk Show," which went live on Nov. 15.

Gruber, who said he heard this information from "a birdie of a birdie," said the following regarding the next iPhone's camera:

The specific thing I heard is that next years camera might be the biggest camera jump ever. I don't even know what sense this makes, but I've heard that it's some kind of weird two-lens system where the back camera uses two lenses and it somehow takes it up into DSLR quality imagery.

There's no guarantee that this is true, but what Gruber is describing sounds a bit similar to the camera on HTC's One M8. HTC's phone comes with two lenses so that you can add 3-D effects to photos. Based on what Gruber said, however, it sounds like Apple would use this type of technology to boost image quality rather than adding quirky effects to photos.

Over the past several years, Apple has made some incremental improvements to the iPhone's camera. Often times, this has included adding new modes for slow motion, time lapse, and panoramic videos.

