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9 quotes from Mark Zuckerberg's first interview when he was 20 years old

“Half the things I do I don’t release. I spent five hours programming last night, and came up with something that was kind of cool, showed it to a bunch of my friends, and the rest of campus will never know about it.”

9 quotes from Mark Zuckerberg's first interview when he was 20 years old

“I don’t really know what the next big thing is because I don’t spend my time making big things. I spend time making small things and then when the time comes I put them together.”

“I don’t really know what the next big thing is because I don’t spend my time making big things. I spend time making small things and then when the time comes I put them together.”

“I’m just like a little kid. I get bored easily and computers excite me. Those are the two driving factors here.”

“I’m just like a little kid. I get bored easily and computers excite me. Those are the two driving factors here.”

On an application he created that synced up multiple computers: “The original plan here, which I actually got too lazy and never ended up executing, was to get everyone at Harvard to play the same song at the same time. I thought that would be really funny.”

On an application he created that synced up multiple computers: “The original plan here, which I actually got too lazy and never ended up executing, was to get everyone at Harvard to play the same song at the same time. I thought that would be really funny.”

“I do stuff like this all the time. The Facebook literally took me a week to make.”

“I do stuff like this all the time. The Facebook literally took me a week to make.”

“I just like making it and knowing that it works and having it be wildly successful is cool, I guess, but I mean, I dunno, that’s not the goal.”

“I just like making it and knowing that it works and having it be wildly successful is cool, I guess, but I mean, I dunno, that’s not the goal.”

"...Anyone from Harvard can get a job and make a bunch of money. Not everyone at Harvard can have a social network. I value that more as a resource more than like any money.... I don’t really like putting a price-tag on the stuff I do. That’s just like not the point.”

"...Anyone from Harvard can get a job and make a bunch of money. Not everyone at Harvard can have a social network. I value that more as a resource more than like any money.... I don’t really like putting a price-tag on the stuff I do. That’s just like not the point.”

"My goal is to not have a job. Making cool things is just something I love doing, and not having someone tell me what to do or a timeframe in which to do it is the luxury I am looking for in my life.”

"My goal is to not have a job. Making cool things is just something I love doing, and not having someone tell me what to do or a timeframe in which to do it is the luxury I am looking for in my life.”

“I assume eventually I’ll make something that is profitable.”

“I assume eventually I’ll make something that is profitable.”

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