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3 modern places of worship that will change the way you think about religious space

The Amhult Church sits in the center of a Swedish village by the same name.

3 modern places of worship that will change the way you think about religious space

Its windows are scattered around the wall, giving it a playful, asymmetrical design that offsets the orderliness present in the rest of the church.

Its windows are scattered around the wall, giving it a playful, asymmetrical design that offsets the orderliness present in the rest of the church.

The reception area is lined with stone walls and wood ceilings.

The reception area is lined with stone walls and wood ceilings.

Much like Tadao Ando's Church of Light, the cross at Amhult is carved into a wall, showing the outside world.

Much like Tadao Ando

The Vasrajana Buddhist Retreat Centre in Suffolk, England is serene and peaceful.

The Vasrajana Buddhist Retreat Centre in Suffolk, England is serene and peaceful.

The shrine looks modern, with wood finishes and sleek light fixtures.

The shrine looks modern, with wood finishes and sleek light fixtures.

The retreat center's community building is bright and airy, with an open design that makes the place feel more like a gathering spot than a place of pure solitude.

The retreat center

Even the dorms are minimal: the beds are basic and the flooring is concrete. The modest decor seems to align with the Buddhist practice of detachment from material goods.

Even the dorms are minimal: the beds are basic and the flooring is concrete. The modest decor seems to align with the Buddhist practice of detachment from material goods.

The Grace Assembly of God hosts church services in Singapore.

The Grace Assembly of God hosts church services in Singapore.

The church's nameplate and cross shine bright in the dark, making it an easily visible beacon for churchgoers attending night masses.

The church

The design incorporates overhead passes between different sections of the church, which are illuminated by natural light during the day.

The design incorporates overhead passes between different sections of the church, which are illuminated by natural light during the day.

Sermons are held in a spacious room that looks more like an auditorium than a cathedral. Preachers here are no longer hidden behind a pulpit, but at an open mic.

Sermons are held in a spacious room that looks more like an auditorium than a cathedral. Preachers here are no longer hidden behind a pulpit, but at an open mic.

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