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15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Apple's Latest Quarter

Apple's quarterly revenue just from the iPhone, $51.2 billion, was greater than Yahoo's entire market capitalization of $45.5 billion.

15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Apple's Latest Quarter

Apple's iPhone revenue was more than three times Google's total revenue in the third quarter of 2014, $16.5 billion.


And Apple's iPhone revenue was almost twice Microsoft's total quarterly revenue of $26.5 billion last quarter.

And Apple

At 74.5 million units, Apple sold over 7 times as many phones as Microsoft's Nokia business.

At 74.5 million units, Apple sold over 7 times as many phones as Microsoft

In fact, 74.5 million iPhones is more than Apple sold during its entire 2011 fiscal year. (The four left-most bars on this chart, as Apple's fiscal year starts in October.)

In fact, 74.5 million iPhones is more than Apple sold during its entire 2011 fiscal year. (The four left-most bars on this chart, as Apple

It's also 20 million more iPhones than Netflix has paid subscribers, 54.5 million.


Apple has $178 billion in cash, more than enough to buy IBM at its current market cap of $152.3 billion.

Apple has $178 billion in cash, more than enough to buy IBM at its current market cap of $152.3 billion.

In fact, Apple could buy Ford, GM, and Tesla and still have $41.3 billion left over.

In fact, Apple could buy Ford, GM, and Tesla and still have $41.3 billion left over.

Apple sold 21.4 million iPads last quarter. That was considered a disappointment, but was at least one for every person in the state of New York.

Apple sold 21.4 million iPads last quarter. That was considered a disappointment, but was at least one for every person in the state of New York.

Apple's iPad revenue alone, $9 billion, is more than enough to buy GoPro at its current market cap of $6.6 billion.


Apple sold 5.52 million Macs last quarter, enough for to give every person in Ireland one of their own.

Apple sold 5.52 million Macs last quarter, enough for to give every person in Ireland one of their own.

Apple's Mac revenue was $6.9 billion last quarter. That's more than the GDP of Monaco.


Before yesterday's earnings, Apple's market cap was $640 billion. That is more than the GDP of all but 25 countries. Number 26, South Africa, had a GDP of $596 billion in 2013, according to CIA estimates.

Before yesterday

Apple's net income last quarter was $18 billion, the largest quarterly earnings for any company ever, according to Wikipedia.


The previous record was held by Gazprom, Russia's enormous oil and gas company, which booked $16.2 billion in profit in August 2011. In fact, every other company in the top 25 most profitable quarters of all time is an energy company.

The previous record was held by Gazprom, Russia

Now that you've seen what a crazy successful company Apple is, see how much its employees earn.

Now that you
