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11 Startups We Wish Existed

An Uber for haircuts.

11 Startups We Wish Existed

iPhone heatmaps.

iPhone heatmaps.

We want to know exactly how many iPhones are in a location at a time. That way we can tell how many people are there.

This could be helpful when looking for a bar that's either super packed or not too crowded, depending on your preferences. It would also be interesting for other events like lectures and conferences, just to see how many people actually showed up.

Remote access to your kitchen cabinets.

Remote access to your kitchen cabinets.

We want an app that syncs with a camera that you can place in your cupboard and fridge. That way if you're at the grocery store and forget what you already have at home, you can take a peek remotely.

Think of it as the GoPro-enhanced shopping list app.

The complete solar-power house.

The complete solar-power house.

Solar power isn't necessarily new or anything, but we want a startup to come and turn our whole house into a green center. We want solar panels to power everything from the oven to the TV, and we want an all-in-one solution.

An ice cream truck tracker.

An ice cream truck tracker.

We would love an app that tracks the location of ice cream trucks via GPS to tell you when one is approaching or to help you find the closest truck.

There's something about ice cream trucks that just beats the average Ben & Jerry's and Baskin Robbins. And with this app, you wouldn't have to wait until you hear those high-pitched songs to flag down the truck.

Playing with puppies.

Playing with puppies.

We want a way to play with someone else's dog without having any of the burdens of feeding, walking, and pooper-scoopering.

One way would be to have some sort of social networking platform where you could play with someone's dog while they're at work. Or a company could round up some cute dogs in one location and let people come and visit the pups.

Useful robots.

Useful robots.

We know there are all these startups working on robots, but we want a startup to work on robotic tech that will make our daily lives easier. We want them to do our household chores — wash, dry, and fold our laundry.

An Airbnb for clothes.

An Airbnb for clothes.

In today's economy of sharing, we'd like a startup to make it possible for us to share clothing.

Let's say you look in your closet and notice none of your white shirts are clean. You could visit an app or website, enter your size and what you're looking for, and find the closest user who has what you need. You'd then go and borrow the shirt and return it for a small fee, which would probably need to go towards dry cleaning.

Simpler sales alerts.

Simpler sales alerts.

There are all sorts of apps out there like Hukkster that will tell you when something goes on sale. But it only tells you when an item decreases in price at one specific store.

We want an app that lets you select an item and get alerted for sales at multiple different stores that carry that item. So if we really want that Nanette Lepore dress, the app would alert us when it was on sale at Saks and/or at Bloomingdales, that way we could get the best price at the most convenient location.

Mobile ID cards.

Mobile ID cards.

There is a countless number of startups working on mobilizing our credit cards, but where are the startups working on the mobile ID card?

The startup would obviously need to work with the government to figure out a legal solution. And it would have to be accepted by bars and cops so that you wouldn't need to carry around a physical license. We don't ever want to have to visit the DMV again.

A Yo clone that screams "Goal."

A Yo clone that screams "Goal."

If you haven't heard of Yo by now, you should probably check it out. But we're looking beyond the Yo. We want the Goal.

Basically, we want to be able to send a World Cup announcer saying "Goal" to our friends. Simple as that.

Interested in seeing some of the startups that already exist?

Interested in seeing some of the startups that already exist?

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