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10 Amazing Ways People Are Using The Oculus Rift Today

To help a dying grandmother walk outside again

10 Amazing Ways People Are Using The Oculus Rift Today

To fly like a bird

To fly like a bird

A machine developed by the Zurich University of the Arts uses the Oculus Rift to create a realistic flying experience. The device, called Birdly, uses its motor to translate hand movements from a simulator into the flapping of virtual wings. The Oculus Rift headset provides a virtual bird's-eye view that makes it feel like you're actually soaring.

To see through the eyes of a robot

To see through the eyes of a robot

Researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab created a device that would allow the user to see through the eyes of a robot avatar. The device also uses a Kinect to pick up the Oculus wearer's movements, while the goggles provide a first-person perspective from a remote robot's point of view. In the image above, a user is moving his arm while wearing the Oculus Rift to move the robot's arm.

To see your brain activity in real time

To see your brain activity in real time

A group of scientists at UCSD and UCSF have collaborated with a video game developer to create a platform that can show your brain's reaction to stimuli in real time. The project, called Glass Brain, was unveiled by "Second Life" creator Philip Rosedale and a team of researchers at this year's SXSW festival in Austin, Texas. The system uses MRI scans and EEE electrodes to record brain activity, which can be observed by a third party through the Oculus Rift.

To pilot military tanks

To pilot military tanks

The Norwegian military is testing a new system that utilize the Oculus Rift to get a full view of the battlefield from inside the tank. According to Norwegian TV station TuTV, tanks are equipped with a series of cameras that offer a 185-degree view of their surroundings. Soldiers inside the tank can then view their environment without having to pop their heads above the hatch.

To see from a drone's point of view

To see from a drone

Parrot's newest quadcopter drone, the Bebop, is compatible with the Oculus Rift. This means you'll be able to see exactly what you're drone sees through its 180-degree fish-eye lens. The person in the image above is piloting the drone using the controller in his hand and the Oculus Rift.

To create a virtual version of yourself

To create a virtual version of yourself

If you've ever wondered what you might look like in a video game, one expert may have just figured out how to do it. 3-D enthusiast Oliver Kreylos created a virtual rendering of himself using the Oculus Rift and three Kinect cameras. Video feeds from three Kinects are combined to generate a 3-D version of Kreylos as he moves around in a virtual environment.

To help architects create buildings

To help architects create buildings

Arch Virtual, an architecture-focused firm that creates augmented reality apps for the Oculus Rift, has a handful of apps that help designers and architects create buildings virtually. In this particular River Home project in Europe, a client provided Arch Virtual with a virtual model of the building, which is then converted to be compatible with a gaming engine called Unity3D. Using the Rift, designers, architects and contractors can explore the virtual home to get a more immersive feel for the space.

To take a roller coaster ride around your living room

To take a roller coaster ride around your living room

An Oculus developer with the username Teddy0k is working on an app for the Rift that creates a virtual roller coaster in your living room. The roller coaster simulator shrinks you down to the size of a mouse and takes you on a mock roller coaster ride.

To ascend the 700-foot icy wall from 'Game of Thrones'

To ascend the 700-foot icy wall from

Last year "Game of Thrones" fans raved about being able to sit in the iron throne during HBO's promotional exhibition, but in 2014, it was all about the Oculus Rift. During this year's event, fans were able to virtually climb the 700-foot iconic wall the from Seven Kingdoms.

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