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Tech breakup worries, Snap's charm offense, and lessons of AT&T's DirecTV deal

Tech breakup worries, Snap's charm offense, and lessons of AT&T's DirecTV deal
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elizabeth warren new york

AP Photo/Frank Franklin II

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren


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Elizabeth Warren's proposal to break up Facebook, Google, and Amazon got a cold reception at SXSW, where it came up repeatedly on panels. The creators of Instagram, one of the biggest tech acquisitions of recent years, slammed it as not "nuanced" enough.

Even BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti, who's grown increasingly critical of the platforms, said the solution wasn't necessarily to break up the platforms but for them to work together with media companies.

Elsewhere, even sharp critics of the platforms are expressing doubt about how realistic it is to break up these companies, which just goes to show how entrenched they've become in the advertising and media landscape, for better or worse. To one longtime ad exec, a breakup could cause "unmitigated chaos."

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