India's largest IT services company
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) paid its Chief Executive Officer N Chandrasekaran Rs 21.28 crores in FY15. Chandrasekaran was the highest paid CEO in the
Indian IT industry until
Infosys appointed
Vishal Sikka as its chief last year.
India's second largest software exporter Infosys paid Sikka Rs 30 crore for his first year in the company.
Chandrasekaran got Rs 1.79 crore as salary, Rs 2.62 crores in perquisites, Rs 86 lakhs in other benefits and Rs 16 crore in commission - which is a percentage of the company's profit for the year. He was not issued any stock options in the last financial year.
Meanwhile, TCS
CFO Rajesh Gopinath earned Rs 2.14 crores during the year.
Chandrasekaran received a smaller bump in pay as compared to some other CEO's in the Indian IT industry, though the overall quantum of his hike is larger.
Wipro CEO TK Kurien saw his pay jump 32%, but he is still paid roughly half of the TCS CEO earns.
Cognizant's CEO outearns the rest of the industry if stock options are included. In 2014-2015, Francisco D'souza total package exceeded $11 million.
(Image: Indiatimes)