Mayor's Question Time was suspended and moved to a separate room in London's City Hall on Wednesday after black cab drivers protesting Uber were angered by Boris Johnson calling them "Luddites."
A "Luddite" is a negative word for a person who fears technology. The word originates from a historical movement, inspired by Ned Ludd, in which a group of English textile workers in the 19th century protested against new labour-economising technology which would see most of them losing their jobs.
Cabbies turned up en mass outside City Hall in London today to protest Uber.
Taxi protest on Tooley street outside City Hall @se1
- James Trosh (@troshy) September 16, 2015
The cabbies are revolting in London. Mass protest outside City Hall bringing London Bridge to standstill.
- marcwebber (@marcwebber) September 16, 2015
What a turn out at City Hall!!!
- London Taxi (@taxitel1) September 16, 2015
Banners coming up against the @mayoroflondon from @LDTA at MQT
- Murad Qureshi (@MuradQureshiAM) September 16, 2015
Chaos at City Hall as chair orders taxi drivers expelled from gallery mid question from @CarolinePidgeon after mayor calls them "Luddites".
- Stephen Knight AM (@StephenKnight1) September 16, 2015
The row seems to have been sparked by Boris using term "luddite" about cabbies in answer to @StephenKnight1
- MayorWatch (@MayorWatch) September 16, 2015
Mayor's questions suspended - Cabbies react to being called Luddites by acting like Luddites. #MQT
- Robert Ward (@moguloilman) September 16, 2015
GLA chief executive's office confirms that security official was knocked unconscious outside City Hall this morning amid cabbie protests
- Pippa Crerar (@PippaCrerar) September 16, 2015
Police have now arrived after cabbies who couldn't get into MQTs stormed City Hall #mqt
- Pippa Crerar (@PippaCrerar) September 16, 2015
Police arriving at City Hall. Lots of people trying to witness democratic process. #MQT
- Caroline Russell (@highburyonfoot) September 16, 2015
F**king dogs now, druggies beware
- John battles (@john_battles) September 16, 2015
Assembly MQT being reconvened in a basement bunker to avoid protesting taxi drivers in the public gallery... Over-reaction perhaps?
- Stephen Knight AM (@StephenKnight1) September 16, 2015