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Taco Bell reveals its 'start-up' culture and the perks of working there

Mar 24, 2016, 22:56 IST

Facebook/Taco Bell Canada

Who knew that Taco Bell had so much in common with the archetypal Silicon Valley startup?


Taco Bell's human resources director, Stacey Payne, chatted with Cosmopolitan's Heather Wood Rudolph and revealed how the company has a unique culture - one that could be particularly appealing to millennials.

"We operate like a really big startup company. We have perks like a free gym and dry-cleaning, but more importantly, we have to be a place that allows employees to be creators," she said. "We want to inspire them to be themselves at work - not their LinkedIn selves, but their Facebook selves."

That makes sense - only a 'Facebook self' could dream up Taco Bell's hangover-worthy breakfast menu, after all.

"We've designed the space to allow people to talk and collaborate, and we provide access to leadership during what we call 'win huddles,' where our CEO grabs a mic and just shares what's happening in the business, what he's concerned about, and what he's excited about," she said.


Cosmopolitan points out several other perks to which Taco Bell employees are privy: bike rides, meditation, martial arts classes, and the option to leave early on Fridays.

Payne even speaks the lingo of young people, as she made a reference to the infamous dating app Tinder to describe interviewing potential new hires:

"When a candidate comes in, it means we both swiped right," she said.

Click here to read Cosmopolitan's full interview with Payne.

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