Swastikas were spray-painted on a Jewish fraternity house at UC Davis
Swastikas were spray-painted on an off-campus Jewish fraternity at the University of California, Davis over the weekend, according to various local news reports.
UC Davis' Alpha Epsilon Pi chapter - a nationally Jewish fraternity - was spray-painted with several swastikas sometime early Saturday morning, according to The Sacramento Bee. Local police told The Bee that the offensive graffiti was mostly near the back of the house, including one by an entrance.
Below are pictures of the swastikas:
"Nothing rivals a swastika as a more potent or offensive symbol of hatred and violence toward our Jewish community members," Katehi said.
Police are investigating the graffiti as a hate crime, according to local NBC station KCRA.
Swastikas were found at another AEPi chapter - at Emory University - last semester, following the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur.