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Supreme Court Rules Against Aereo In Huge Copyright Case

Supreme Court Rules Against Aereo In Huge Copyright Case

Aereo Court

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Aereo CEO Chet Kanojia.

The Supreme Court ruling on Aereo is out.

We're reading it over now to see what it all means.

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The case will have lasting implications for the way content is delivered online.

Aereo is a service that lets you stream live network TV from stations like NBC, ABC, and CBS over the internet to your smartphone, tablet, or PC. It costs $8 per month and includes a virtual DVR service that lets you record shows and stream them later.

Aereo's technology uses special HD antennas that are about the size of a thumbnail to pull in broadcast TV from the airwaves. The signal is then transferred over the internet to your device.

The networks argued that Aereo was illegal because it was retransmitting copyrighted content. Cable companies have to pay networks retransmission fees to do that. Aereo argued that it was legal because its service was no different from a company that rents HD antennas and DVR equipment to customers.

The big question the Supreme Court had to answer is whether or not Aereo's service constitutes a private or public performance. A private performance in which each user has his or her own unique recording of copyrighted content is considered legal. Otherwise, Aereo would probably have to pay some sort of fee to the networks.

Aereo is expected to release a statement on the ruling within a few hours.

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