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Sufferers of 'invisible illnesses' came up with a powerful way to speak out together

Sufferers of 'invisible illnesses' came up with a powerful way to speak out together

Screen Shot 2015 08 21 at 3.22.14 PM

Amanda Crommett Photography

One of shots from the Suffering the Silence portrait series.

After years of struggling with Lyme disease, Allie Cashel wrote her college thesis about her experiences with chronic illness. Today, Cashel's thesis has grown into a book and a web community where chronic illness and disease sufferers are coming together to find support.

Following her graduation from Bard College in 2013, Cashel was offered a book deal for her Lyme disease thesis. While she worked on the book, which will be available in September, Cashel, along with friend and fellow chronic illness sufferer Erica Lupinacci, started online community Suffering the Silence to connect people living with chronic illnesses. 

The site features a portrait series where people are photographed with the names of their chronic, "invisible" illnesses and diseases written on their arms. They series also includes stories about what life is like with these conditions. 

"I can't join the military and I can't tour as a musician because I can't get a cold place to store my medicine. It's a humbling experience," explains Evan, who has Crohn's disease.

"I think in their heads they think I'm lazy or making it up. If I could choose to be stronger, I would love to be stronger," says Vivian, who lives with scoliosis. 

Chronic illness sufferers are also invited to share their own portraits and stories on Instagram and Twitter, using the hashtag #SufferingTheSilence. 

"It's a place where people can be honest about their illnesses," Lupinacci told TI of the online community. "It's a place where people don't have to put on a brave face and act like nothing is wrong."

Keep reading to learn more about life with chronic illness and the Suffering the Silence project. 


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