This morning, Milan awoke to find something a little strange. Just off of Via dei Mercanti, near the heart of the old city, a submarine has apparently pushed its way through the paving stones and damaged a nearby car.
A photograph of the bizarre scene made the front page of Reddit's WTF subreddit, as confused Milanese began surveying the scene:
Per scoprire tutto sul sottomarino in centro a Milano, vai su #L1F3 @EA_Italia @Genertel
- Jolanda Restano (@JolandaRestano) October 1, 2013
Un sottomarino a pochi passi da piazza Duomo a #Milano, ma è solo una trovata pubblicitaria
- Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) October 1, 2013
A #milano emerge un sottomarino @turismomilano @ComuneMI #milanosorprende
- Giacomo Biraghi (@secolourbano) October 1, 2013
This sounds ridiculous, of course, and if you can read Italian, you've already sussed that something isn't quite right about this.
Europ Assistance IT, an insurance group based in
The company even went so far as to hire some fake submariners who give interviews:
See more photos of the sunte over at the La Repubblica website.