According to the GoFundMe page that has served as a platform for donations, "this money is to help the women of the Alpha Gam Upsilon Chapter's personal needs from school to clothing items." The page was created by OU Alpha Gamma alumna Tonya Lynn Kiper and the original goal - now long passed - was $2,500.
In addition to other OU students, many of the donations seem to come from sisters at other Alpha Gamma chapters across the country. Over 250 people have donated so far.
Kiper updated the page Thursday with more information about where the donated money will go:
Thank you, my heart is overwhelmed by all of the support for my sisters. The money raised from this website will be sent to the Norman Alumae Alpha Gam Chapter to help the women on an individual basis. They will be helping with basic needs, school needs and beyond. Please continue to help as you can and Thank you for your prayer and support.