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Types of People in every Office

Public Transport Vs. Car

Types of People in every Office
StrategyStrategy1 min read

Early Vs. Late

Early Vs. Late
You may think nobody notices, but if your Reporting Manager casually decides to look up the attendance register one fine day, you are in deeeeeeep shit my friend. Buck up.

Open Vs. Plugged In

Open Vs. Plugged In
Be open to small talk. That's how you pick up office gossip and insider talks that might help you. These crumbs of information would help you plan better when you can or cannot bunk, the best time for the leave and so on. #TotallyGuilty

Work Vs. Facebook

Work Vs. Facebook
OK OK, I won't be a spoilsport. It's ok to check Facebook once a while. It's essential to take your mind off work for a while and chillax. That's important. Why not take a walk outside and enjoy the weather, flirt with that hot colleague, or play some games in the entertainment room, or sip coffee. Your eyes would get their rest too.

Lunchbox Vs. Order

Lunchbox Vs. Order
It's fine to crave for some nice and spicy junk food. However, judging that your work involves sitting on a comfortable chair in an air-conditioned room while you gorge on fatty junk, it's important to maintain a balance of 'ghar ka khana'(home-cooked food) and junk food.

Loners Vs. Groups

Loners Vs. Groups
Give your phone a break dude! Your colleagues are also humans, just like the ones you chat up on the phone. While it's OK to be on the phone with your loved one or college pals once a while, don't let you colleagues miss out on your amazing company.

Soft Drinks Vs. Hard Drinks

Soft Drinks Vs. Hard Drinks
We are nobody to judge. Just don't drink and drive, and ensure that you don't get sloshed and be a pain or drunk call your Boss. Have fun!

Bonus Vs. Leave Without Pay

Bonus Vs. Leave Without Pay
Mind, that five thousand extra bucks can pay for a romantic dinner, or a watch, or your fuel costs for a weekend trip. If you don't get overtime, just don't let those bloody deductions take a bit fat bite out of your pay cheque. That hurts. That hurts a lot.

Formal Vs. Casual

Formal Vs. Casual
Wear whatever you're comfortable in. Just make sure you comply with the company's dress code, that's all. Be you, and rock it!


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