I got into Stanford Graduate School of Business. Here's the personal essay that helped me seal the deal.
- The personal essay is arguably the most difficult, and often most dreaded, part of the entire MBA application process.
- Aja Edmond is a 2012 graduate of Stanford Graduate School of Business, and recalled her own mixed feelings about tackling the essay portion of her application.
- She shared with Business Insider the unedited version she submitted to Stanford GSB in 2009.
- She also gave some advice for nailing this part of your application, including telling a cohesive story and showcasing the "imperfections" that make you unique.
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The personal essay is arguably the most difficult, and often most dreaded, part of the entire MBA application process. Yet according to MBA admissions consultant Barbara Coward, the essay component has become even more critical to MBA admissions teams than it was in the past.
"While it used to be that your undergraduate GPA, university or college attended, undergrad major, work experience, and extracurricular activities were the top determinants of who got into top MBA programs, today a candidate's essays, admissions interview, and recommendations hold the most weight," said Coward. "There are so many applicants with similar backgrounds - for example, engineering or business degrees, or financial/consulting work experience - that the essays serve to personalize you as an applicant and help convey your 'why.'"
Aja Edmond, a 2012 graduate of Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB), recalled her own mixed feelings about tackling the essay portion of the MBA application.
"I felt conflicted about how to approach the narrative," said Edmond, who is now the founder and chief learning officer at Everesse, a personal and professional development enterprise that serves over 100,000 individuals and institutions in 150 countries each year through its self-guided tools and one-on-one coaching services. "I wanted to show strength of character, not use hardship as a means of justifying weaknesses. So it took many iterations to get to the final version."
Going into the process, Edmond didn't realize just how much time and effort writing one essay would take. "I started off feeling excited to tell my story, then felt a lot of frustration trying to fine-tune it, and ultimately was relieved when I finished it," she explained.
Once she had written the essay, Edmond felt confident in her final product. "I felt quite proud of myself and had a sense that, no matter the outcome, going through this rigorous writing exercise would be highly beneficial to me in the long run," she added.
Edmond unequivocally admits that her personal essay played a significant role in her admittance to Stanford's MBA program. "To me, that is what got me in," she said. "I had a vision of how I wanted to position myself in order to accomplish this, and the essays were extremely instrumental in helping me showcase myself accordingly," she explained.
Edmond was also very clear on what exactly she was attempting to achieve with her essay. "It was most important that I show how I greatly exceeded the admissions requirements and would gain from and add value to the program," she explained. "I felt a strong urge to show how I had to overcome a lot to get to where I was, and how my humble background uniquely positioned me to add a diverse perspective to the program."
Edmond approached her entire application, including the essay, as one part of a cohesive story, with each element serving as a chapter that supported the overall narrative.
"It is very important to develop a high-level view of how you want to present yourself, then strategically use different parts of the application to showcase who you are and your strengths," emphasized Edmond. "The essays, in particular, give you space to tell a full story, so [they] should be used in that way." She pointed to the importance of reviewing a few branding and storytelling frameworks before starting.
Edmond also recommends having a skilled reviewer provide you with feedback about your essays - on the overall story and flow as well as grammar, spelling, and basic editing - before you submit them. "Applicants should absolutely write their essays themselves, but there is nothing wrong with getting support," she advised.
After completing a solid draft of her essays, Edmond followed this advice herself, working with a coach who read them and challenged her to be clearer in her communication. "[My coach] was great at calling out areas that felt inconsistent, disjointed, or confusing," said Edmond. "On my own my essays were meager, but with help they felt exceptional."
Edmond advised candidates who are already strong in the basic MBA requirements - such as GPA and GMAT scores - to use the essays to cover their bases and showcase the unique value they will add to the program if admitted.
"My advice, after showcasing all that makes you the 'perfect' candidate, is to increase your odds by revealing what makes you imperfect, and therefore unique," Edmond said. "If you are a bit weak on the basics, then you should look to the essays to fill in the gaps." She added that the "most important" thing is to eliminate any question or concern that you are an ideal candidate. "Then, and only then, you can work on standing out," she said.
Looking back, Edmond said she saw the essays as an opportunity to reveal facets of herself that could not be communicated from test scores or report cards. "Without this or some other creative format, I can't imagine how admissions counselors can distinguish candidates," she admitted.
While each MBA program has its own unique requirements for the personal essay portion of the business school application, Stanford GSB currently requests that all applicants submit two personal essays: Essay A on "What matters most to you, and why?" and Essay B on "Why Stanford?" The GSB also offers an "Optional Short-Answer Question." Edmond confirmed that these essay questions that are now on the GSB's website are the same ones that she was asked to write back in 2009.
The essay that got Edmond into Stanford GSB's MBA programThe 2012 Stanford GSB alumnus was actually accepted to all four MBA programs that she applied to (Harvard Business School, University of Chicago's Booth School of Business, Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, and Stanford GSB), and she explained that one of the reasons that she ended up choosing Stanford was because of "how meaningful" she deemed the Essay A question to be.
"It told me a lot about the school's values," she said.
Here is Edmond's personal essay, which answers the question, "What matters most to you, and why?":
When I graduated from college, my mother told me to bask in the moment and appreciate the challenges I overcame to achieve success. She said I was her role model and what matters most to me is that I continue to live up to her image of me.
My mother experienced great loss in her life. Her 40-year-old father died suddenly when she was 9. Her 18-year-old brother drowned in the Navy when she was 16. She lost my father to a bitter divorce when she was 25 and my younger sister and I were just one and two. As a young single mother, she experienced low self-esteem that translated into a battle with obesity and health issues that prevented her from holding steady jobs - and kept our family poor.
Yet, my mother suppressed the pain from her struggles with the love she had for her daughters. What she lacked in finances, and perhaps the will to mend her broken heart, she made up for in raising my sister and me to be good stewards of our few possessions, to be responsible for our actions, and to seek opportunities to positively effect change in our lives as well as the lives of others.
We were shielded from the negative influences of our low income South Side Chicago neighborhood. She challenged us to change what we could but never feel victimized because of things we could not change. We lived by three principles: treating others how we wanted to be treated, using our natural abilities for the benefit of others and thinking positive despite circumstances. These principles guide the decisions I make and not only give me a strong sense of discipline and determination but also an unwavering commitment to personal development. Because if I can be my best, I'll be in a better position to reach back and help those, like my mother, who need it most.
My mother required us to serve the community. Whether we were working in a soup kitchen feeding the homeless or collecting coins for Misericordia, she wanted us to understand that we were more fortunate than many families and to never take opportunities for granted. Months before graduating high school, I traveled to Ghana to help Kokrobity, a non-profit, serve a small village by teaching children to read and write in English and Twi (a local Akan dialect). This trip instilled in me a desire to further explore other countries and cultures and solidified my commitment to the community. As a result of my travel experiences and service projects I have broadened my perspective of the world, expanded my idea of diversity and developed an understanding that there are many ways of thinking and being. This keeps me open, accepting of differences and always seeking growth.
Upon returning from Ghana, I received the Gates Millennium Scholarship (GMS). Nothing has ever been handed to me - I know how to strive to get what I want. Throughout my childhood I found ways to assist my family, including working part-time since age 15. The burden of having to fund my own education also motivated me to study hard and graduate 12 out of over 400 students. GMS allowed me to inspire other neighborhood teenagers who did not want to be a product of their environment and who refused to allow circumstances to define them.
In college, I did not forget the lessons that my humble upbringings taught me. Despite having a full scholarship and pursuing a challenging technical curriculum, I sacrificed a stellar academic record to work over 25 hours a week to send funds home. My financial contributions enabled my mother to achieve her dream of going to school and also obtaining a college degree later in life.
I still managed to engage in the extracurricular and community activities I deemed important in helping me develop as a balanced person. Moreover, I was relentless in obtaining internships and full-time positions with top-notch firms traditionally reserved for Ivy League students. These experiences built up my character. Working in the consulting and finance industries, I have typically been the only young black woman in groups of older white men. This never hindered me from thriving in these competitive environments. As an advisor to clients, I distinguish myself professionally because although I am results-oriented I am also observant, unpretentious, tactful, interpersonally agile and patient.
My mother showed me how dire situations can cultivate the courage to break through boundaries and fulfill dreams. I am committed to being my mother's role model and an inspiration to all those who must defy great odds to reach their highest potential.