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5 important steps for making New Year's resolutions with your kids

Amy Morin   

5 important steps for making New Year's resolutions with your kids

Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Make resolutions a teachable moment.

  • Kids can have New Year's resolutions, too - it helps them learn how to set goals. So if you help your child make a resolution, take it seriously. You could even make a family goal.
  • You can help them create realistic goals and break it down into small steps.
  • Regardless of whether they succeed or fail, you can make it into a teachable moment.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

When most people think about New Year's resolutions, they imagine adults vowing to join the gym. But New Year's resolutions can be for kids, too.

In fact, New Year's is a great opportunity to teach kids how to set goals. You can help them learn new skills and deal with the outcome if they fall short of their goal.

But don't just tell your kids to set goals on their own. Create a resolution together so you can provide guidance and support along the way.

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