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How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

8:20 a.m.

The 25 minutes that I allot myself to get ready include eating yogurt and (approximately three servings) of granola at the desk in my room.

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

8:25 a.m.

My building is about a mile away from work. The average commute for a New Yorker is 40 minutes, so I definitely lucked out with my mere 30.

I usually opt to walk instead of taking the subway because it's nice to get moving before I sit down for so much of the day.

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

8:45 a.m.

My coffee intake since moving to the city from my rural college campus has probably tripled. I tell myself this is okay though because caffeine has been proven to enhance athletic performance.

Some argue that it's a diuretic, though, and that it's best to stay away.

I choose to believe the former.

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

9:00 a.m.

The morning picks up when I get to work.

My internship with Business Insider is with the syndication team. This means that I get to help manage our network of over 500 editorial partnerships and create pitches for stories that I come across that would appeal to our audience. I like that I get to interact with so many of our different verticals.

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

12:30 p.m.

I pack my lunch, which usually consists of a bagel with peanut butter and banana. Much of the time I eat it in Madison Square Park, which is only about a five minute walk from my office.

Peanut butter is the not-so-secret ingredient to success in mine and my entire cross country team's diet. A jar of peanut butter once actually exploded in my duffel bag before a race, which led me to learn the one and only downside of peanut butter: It's a difficult substance to scrub off your stuff.

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

5:00 p.m.

After work ends, I take the subway to Central Park because it's the hilliest place to run in the city and has the softest surfaces. I enjoy not having to stop at every block for a traffic light or dodge pedestrians on the sidewalk. It's also inspiring to be surrounded by so many fellow runners.

I change at a running store near the park that has free lockers, which allows me to store my stuff while I run! Serious game-changer.

I'm really lucky to have an internship with such reasonable hours, and I'm always impressed by the many people I know who do what I do with so much less free time.

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

5:45 p.m.

I run between seven and thirteen miles a day. Sometimes it's a workout and sometimes it's just an easy run. One of the hardest things about summer training is having to log so many miles by myself.

My coach gives me a training plan, and we stay in good communication throughout this time away from school.

I also love to text my teammates to compare and contrast our summer running experiences. It's helpful to know that every run I go on, there's a high likelihood I have at least one teammate who is also running at that very moment (however close or far they may be). By the end of the summer, I am more excited than ever to be reunited with my 30-some teammates.

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

7:00 p.m.

After I finish my run and refuel with protein, I'm about ready to head home.

One challenge I've had is adjusting to high humidity levels that seem to define the New York City summer running experience.

I hop on the subway directly after my run is over, surely convincing the people around me that I just went swimming.

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

7:15 p.m.

When I get back to my building, I always go to the gym before going to my room.

I do a lot of core every day, as well as hip strengthening exercises. A few times a week, I also do a lifting routine.

My personal favorite exercise is called the "scarecrow," which involves moving your arms up and down above your head without holding any weight (shockingly challenging).

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

8:30 p.m.

This is generally the window of time that I would be doing homework when I'm at school, so from 8:30 on, it's nice to remember that it's summer break.

I try and meet up with the friends that I have who are also in the city for the summer. Sometimes we'll get dinner and experiment with different food trends like poke or Blacktap milkshakes. Other times we'll explore new neighborhoods across Manhattan that we haven't seen before.

I can tell that my legs want me to limit my "exploring" though — my iPhone has alerted me that my walking mileage has skyrocketed since moving here.

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

How I juggle a full-time internship with running 55 miles a week

11:00 p.m.

The last thing I do before bed is take an iron supplement with vitamin C and log my run on a website that my teammate created. I'm usually in bed by 11 so I can knock out nine hours of sleep before I do it all over again!

Jackie Katzman runs cross-country and track at Cornell University. Her best mile time is 4:52, and has personal bests of 4:23 for 1500 meters (converting to about a 4:42 mile) and 9:26 in the 3000 meter run. She's competed in the NCAA Preliminary Round and has also scored at the Ivy League Track and Field Championships.

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