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Here's exactly what you should do with your hands during a job interview

Here's exactly what you should do with your hands during a job interview

Here's exactly what you should do with your hands during a job interview

Here's exactly what you should do with your hands during a job interview


It's okay to:

Press the fingertips of your hands together to form a church steeple.

This is a display of confidence, write Molidor and Parus.

Over at Forbes, Carol Kinsey Goman writes, "You see lecturers, politicians and executives use this hand gesture when they are quite certain about a point they are making."

Here's exactly what you should do with your hands during a job interview


It's not okay to:

Hold your palms downward.

Molidor and Parus say this behavior is a sign of dominance. "Do not shake hands with your palm down," they caution.

The Peases write that offering your hand palm-down "communicates that you want to take control of the encounter."

Here's exactly what you should do with your hands during a job interview


It's not okay to:

Conceal your hands (like by putting them in your pockets).

When you keep your hands out of sight, according to Molidor and Parus, it looks like you have something to hide. This includes keeping your hands in your lap or behind your back.

As Anita Barbee, a professor of social work, told Real Simple, "A person may be telling you one thing, but these cues indicate you're not getting the whole story."

Here's exactly what you should do with your hands during a job interview


It's not okay to:

Tap your fingers.

This behavior shows impatience, say Molidor and Parus.

Here's exactly what you should do with your hands during a job interview


It's not okay to:

Fold your arms across the chest.

This is "a very defensive position, indicating disappointment or disagreement," Molidor and Parus write.

Of course, a wise interviewer will know you could just be trying to relieve stress or mask insecurities — but just in case, it's best to maintain a more open posture.

Here's exactly what you should do with your hands during a job interview


It's not okay to:

Overuse hand gestures.

It's okay to use your hands to illustrate a few important points. In fact, research suggests that staying too still can give the impression of coldness.

But relying too much on hand gestures can be distracting, according to Molidor and Parus.

Remember, it's an interview, not a theatrical performance.

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