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Flight attendants share 25 things they wish passengers would stop doing - and one you can probably get away with

Ordering Diet Coke might not be as terrible as they say

Flight attendants share 25 things they wish passengers would stop doing - and one you can probably get away with

Making demands as soon as you board

Making demands as soon as you board

"Boarding is one of the most stressful parts of the job with all of the required safety checks and federal rules we have to follow. So when people come on board and immediately demand water to take a pill or snacks for a diabetic, it always makes me wonder why that couldn't have been taken care of in the airport."

BYOB-ing it

BYOB-ing it

"Some people will go to the local liquor store and bring their mini bottles of booze on the plane. We always know who you are; we always find it. You can't serve yourself. We need to know how much you've had to drink so we're not overserving you, because the higher you fly and the longer you go, the more the alcohol affects your brain."

Trying to get freebies

Trying to get freebies

"People sometimes come on plane and hint for a free drink: 'The plane was delayed ten minutes, is there a free drink for me for that?' 'Drinks are on the captain right?' I just grin and smile. 'Smile and wave boys,' that's what I say."

Watching porn

Watching porn

"I've seen people watching porn on the plane. One guy had the whole row to himself and you had to be standing up and walking behind him to see that he was watching porn. I was like, 'Really?' What do I say to that? There weren't any little children around, so there wasn't anything to say. But there was one guy I could see was watching porn on his phone, and because it was nighttime, you could see the reflection on the window. I did point that out to him because I didn't think everybody needed to see that."


Clipping your toenails

Clipping your toenails

"I've seen people clipping toe nails. It's very gross, and you can't make them stop. And it's not an infrequent thing, believe it or not."

Expecting flight attendants to have all the information from the captain

Expecting flight attendants to have all the information from the captain

"We know maybe 5% of what they do. We don't know how bad the weather is, why we are taking a new route, or why we can't land early. But believe it's for your safety!"

Getting upset with flight attendants for things that clearly aren't their fault

Getting upset with flight attendants for things that clearly aren

"I agree, it sucks that the flight got canceled and you'll miss something important. I was supposed to go home and see a concert. Now I'm stuck in this small metal tube with you yelling at me."

Galley yoga

Galley yoga

"Getting up and wanting to stretch in our galleys like its a yoga studio or wanting to stand in our galleys is annoying. The galley is our only work area, and we have nowhere else to go because our seats are in the galley by the doors."


Snapping your fingers

Snapping your fingers

"'Excuse me, miss!' works every time."

Going barefoot

Going barefoot

"Please, please, please — stop walking into the restroom barefoot, or even with socks on. Would you ever walk into a public restroom barefoot? No. Thank you, sir, for mopping up the pee on the floor with your socks."


Acting entitled

Acting entitled

"Stop trying to sneak into an upgrade seat."

Thinking the world is coming to an end because you didn't get your first meal choice

Thinking the world is coming to an end because you didn

"It's a plane ride, not a five-star hotel or restaurant. Stop getting bent out of shape over receiving your second meal choice."

Getting up to use the lavatory when the seat belt sign is on

Getting up to use the lavatory when the seat belt sign is on

"When you remind them that the sign is on, they usually respond with some version of saying, 'But I have to go.' Well, unless you are two years old, do you wait until the absolute last minute to use the toilet?"

Touching flight attendants to get their attention

Touching flight attendants to get their attention

"I have been poked, prodded, and tugged on too many times to remember."

Ringing the call button unless it's truly necessary

Ringing the call button unless it

"Don't ring call bells when we've already announced that flight attendants have to be seated, right after takeoff, or for silly reasons."

Keeping your headphones on

Keeping your headphones on

"Please take the headphones off when we come by and ask you what you would like to drink."

Occupying the toilets once you see that the aircraft is descending

Occupying the toilets once you see that the aircraft is descending

"This leads to flight delays."

Not taking responsibility for your belongings

Not taking responsibility for your belongings

"Don't bring your heavy carry-on on board the aircraft and then ask me to put it in the overhead bin for you because it is too heavy for you to do it."

Not specifying how you take your coffee

Not specifying how you take your coffee

"When you order coffee tell me whether you want cream and/or sugar so I don't have to ask for the millionth time."

Not listening to the safety presentation

Not listening to the safety presentation

"Be a little more respectful of crew while we are just trying to do our job."

Asking, 'What do you have?'


"There is literally an announcement telling you where to find the menu. We have 100 drinks if you count alcohol, and you want me to list it? While 200 other people wait for their drinks?"

Putting feet on walls or other passengers' seats

Putting feet on walls or other passengers

"I don't come into your office and put my feet on your walls or your desk!"

Poor timing

Poor timing

"Stop trying to hand us trash on the beverage cart or asking us to take your trash while we're handing out food."

Not saying hello

Not saying hello

"I wish passengers would acknowledge the crew when they board."

Hogging the overhead bins

Hogging the overhead bins

"Put the suitcases in the overhead and put your small bags underneath the seat in front so we don't have to run out of space and have to check bags."

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