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Arianna Huffington, Tony Robbins, and 29 other successful people share their New Year's resolutions

Arianna Huffington, cofounder and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post, hopes to get enough sleep.

Arianna Huffington, Tony Robbins, and 29 other successful people share their New Year's resolutions

Randy Garutti, CEO of Shake Shack, will focus on four things in particular.

Randy Garutti, CEO of Shake Shack, will focus on four things in particular.

"2016 is all about thoughtful listening, strategic planning for years ahead, mentoring my team, and a lot of SoulCycle!"

Kevin Cleary, CEO of Clif Bar, plans to compete in one of the toughest athletic events in the world.

Kevin Cleary, CEO of Clif Bar, plans to compete in one of the toughest athletic events in the world.

"Ironman Kona is one of the toughest athletic events in the world and I've always admired the athletes who compete in the event — not just for their mental and physical endurance during the race, but also for their commitment to the intense training.

"In October 2016, I'm taking on Ironman Kona myself. To get ready for the race, I'll be doing long runs in the hills around my house, tackling an epic bike commute and waking up early to swim countless laps in the pool. I also hope to inspire my three boys to join me in on some of the training; there's nothing better than taking on an adventure as a family."

Alli Webb, cofounder of Drybar, would like to be lighter on her feet.

Alli Webb, cofounder of Drybar, would like to be lighter on her feet.

"My New Year's resolution is to be 'light on my feet.'

"I recently read a blog post from Seth Godin titled 'Light on your feet' — and this sentence in particular really struck a cord with me: 'When we are light on our feet we make better decisions, bring joy to those around us, and find the flexibility to do good work.' It has forced me to reevaluate the way I approach many areas of my life ... work, kids, my marriage, etc."

Chad Dickerson, CEO of Etsy, plans to learn Korean.

Chad Dickerson, CEO of Etsy, plans to learn Korean.

"In 2016, I'd like to begin learning Korean so that I can eventually help my 4-year-old Korean adopted son learn it, too. When he's older, I want to go with him to Korea and be able to fully experience the culture together."

Jane McGonigal, an author and designer of alternate-reality games, would like to say 'thanks' more often.

Jane McGonigal, an author and designer of alternate-reality games, would like to say

"In 2016, I'm going to set out to thank someone different every day for 365 days in a row. I'm really curious to find out if I can do it. A lot of people make resolutions to feel gratitude more, by counting their blessings or keeping a gratitude journal. But I find that gratitude feels better and has a much bigger impact when you actually express it to the people you're grateful to!"

Tony Robbins, a business strategist and author of 'MONEY: Master the Game,' wants to give back.

Tony Robbins, a business strategist and author of

"Two of my primary financial goals of 2016 are: To break our Feeding America 100-Million-Meal contribution marker in order to provide some relief for those in need here in the US. (We're at 91 million meals as we close out 2015, I want to break the 100-million mark right out of the gates in 2016 because we're on pace to exceed 130 million this calendar year!)

"Another outcome of 2016 is we'll provide fresh clean water for some 250,000 people in India, where 1.5 million children die each year from water and sanitation diseases."

Karen Quintos, the CMO at Dell, plans to speak up for women in business.

Karen Quintos, the CMO at Dell, plans to speak up for women in business.

"In 2016, I want to be a vocal champion of women in business. It's both professional and personal for me. As a leader in the technology field, I have a front row seat to the huge opportunity that exists for women today; and as a mom of two wonderful girls, I'm motivated every day by their dreams and limitless potential.

"Dell has given me a platform to inspire change, and I'm using it — for my colleagues, my daughters, and the generations of women leaders to come."

Kenneth Lin, the CEO and founder of Credit Karma, resolves to spend more time with family.

Kenneth Lin, the CEO and founder of Credit Karma, resolves to spend more time with family.

"With the recent birth of my second child, my goal is to spend more time with my family. We've always valued work-life balance here at Credit Karma, but I can set a better example for everyone. Credit Karma has seen a lot of success, but nothing is more important than family."

Katia Beauchamp, cofounder and CEO of Birchbox, would like to focus on living in the moment.

Katia Beauchamp, cofounder and CEO of Birchbox, would like to focus on living in the moment.

"I'm committing to finding the joy in every day. That means slowing down (to speed up) and really living in the moment. Today isn't a prologue to tomorrow or next month (as in 'Once I get through this board meeting, then ... '). This is life right now.

"I want to make more time for extra special things — like meditating or waking up 10 minutes earlier to play with my babies — that truly make you appreciate the love, health, and privilege in your life."

Dr. Robb Akridge, cofounder of Clarisonic, wants to break out his running shoes again.

Dr. Robb Akridge, cofounder of Clarisonic, wants to break out his running shoes again.

"My New Year's resolution is to get back into running, not only to improve my physical health, but so I can participate in runs that raise awareness and funds for different non-profit causes."

Jan Singer, CEO of Spanx, hopes to rediscover old hobbies and continue supporting women in leadership.

Jan Singer, CEO of Spanx, hopes to rediscover old hobbies and continue supporting women in leadership.

"Personally, I want to get back to things I learned when I was 8 but didn't continue: tennis and playing the flute. Professionally, my resolution is to continue to inspire and empower women leaders to know they can win without compromising who they are at their core."

Ken Austin, founder of Tequila Avión, plans to stop and smell the roses.

Ken Austin, founder of Tequila Avión, plans to stop and smell the roses.

"My New Year's resolution for 2016 is to take deeper breaths and step back a bit more. This is incredibly hard for a driven person. This does not mean I won't work long hours or be fiercely passionate. It does mean I will stop, smell the roses, create more moments, and special memories with my family, celebrate success a bit more and ask others to take more ownership in the things we do."

Blythe Harris, chief creative officer of Stella & Dot, hopes to wake up early three times a week for a morning run.

Blythe Harris, chief creative officer of Stella & Dot, hopes to wake up early three times a week for a morning run.

"My New Year's resolution will be to wake up early three times a week to go for a morning trail run with a group of my girlfriends. (I'm going to do my best to stop binge watching 'Homeland' to do so). It is nourishing for the body and soul.

"Waking up to see the sunrise and catch up with friends makes the exercise part easier and puts me in a relaxed mental state that allows me to access more creativity throughout the day. The early time frame also allows me to be home by the time the kids wake up."

John Schnatter, CEO of Papa John's Pizza, wants to get back in shape.

John Schnatter, CEO of Papa John

"I broke my collarbone in a bike crash a few months back, and I haven't been able to work out much, so my New Year's resolution is to get back in shape."

Dan Ariely, a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke, plans to say 'no' more often.

Dan Ariely, a professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke, plans to say

"One of my goals for this year is to learn how to prioritize my time better. I find that I get lots of requests for lots of things and I am reactive to these requests instead of figuring out what are my priorities and what matters to me. So in 2016, I plan to prioritize better and to learn how to say no to things that I should say no to."

Gretchen Rubin, a habit expert and author, wants to lighten up.

Gretchen Rubin, a habit expert and author, wants to lighten up.

"Although I also make smaller resolutions, each year, I choose one single word or short phrase to provide the big theme for my year.

"My resolution for 2016 is to 'Lighten up.' I'm a very tightly wound, intense person, and I want to work on taking things lightly, keeping a sense of perspective, and looking for funny side when things go wrong. I want to take myself less seriously.

"For inspiration, I remind myself of G. K. Chesterton's observation: 'It is easy to be heavy: hard to be light.' Or, in a lighter vein (very appropriate!), I think of that great scene from the movie Stripes: 'Lighten up, Francis.' I remind myself to 'Lighten up, Gretchen.'"

Blake Mycoskie, founder and Chief Shoe Giver of TOMS, wants to show more gratitude.

Blake Mycoskie, founder and Chief Shoe Giver of TOMS, wants to show more gratitude.

"For 2016, my resolution is to show more gratitude and perhaps even start a gratitude journal. We're coming up on our 10-year anniversary at TOMS, and I have been reflecting on all the wonderful people that really helped TOMS get off the ground in the early days and helped us achieve every milestone over the past ten years. It will be a great addition to my morning meditation that Heather, Summit, and I can do together. Gratitude."

Barbara Corcoran, businesswoman and 'Shark Tank' investor, wants to work less and enjoy life more.

Barbara Corcoran, businesswoman and

"I've worked way too hard this past year, so for this one, I'm going for more joy. I plan to ski three days for every one I work. I'll probably make more money."

Michael Dubin, CEO of Dollar Shave Club, plans to do improv again.

Michael Dubin, CEO of Dollar Shave Club, plans to do improv again.

"My New Year's resolution is to get back into improv. Even just to watch. I want to focus on creating in the moment."

Cotter Cunningham, CEO of RetailMeNot, resolves to be more environmentally aware.

Cotter Cunningham, CEO of RetailMeNot, resolves to be more environmentally aware.

"One of my resolutions for the New Year is to be more environmentally aware. For example, in the last year or so I have been trying to eat more organic fruits and veggies and less meat, drink more water, etc. Part of drinking more water is avoiding the plastic bottles. We have done a good job at work; I need to try harder in my personal life."

Julie Sweet, Accenture's North American group Chief Executive, wants to explore the world.

Julie Sweet, Accenture

"I want to explore more — explore the world with my kids — new places and experiences, explore the new trends in technology, stretching my boundaries, and explore the new possibilities to make Accenture the best place for our people."

Adam Grant, author and Wharton professor, plans to speak up.

Adam Grant, author and Wharton professor, plans to speak up.

"In 2016, I will speak up instead of staying silent."

Jeff Braverman, CEO of, says he'll hire the very best people.

Jeff Braverman, CEO of, says he

"My resolution is to hire amazing people and take a real vacation. I am going to prioritize building out an extensive team and having full trust and confidence in their work."

Lizanne Falsetto, founder of ThinkThin, hopes to spend more time with her children.

Lizanne Falsetto, founder of ThinkThin, hopes to spend more time with her children.

"This New Year's I'm in a place I haven't been ever before. At the end of 2015 I sold my business that I spent close to 20 years building. I realize that my goal had always been to take the business to a successful exit — and now that I've achieved that, I'm looking at what my next challenge will be.

"In 2016, I want to spend more time with my children, and to create a process that connects like-minded business professionals with entrepreneurs to mentor, share their resources and experiences, and hopefully speed up the success process."

Ryan Emmons, founder and CEO of Waiakea Hawaiian Volcanic Water, plans to surf and give up red meat.

Ryan Emmons, founder and CEO of Waiakea Hawaiian Volcanic Water, plans to surf and give up red meat.

"My resolution is to surf three days a week before work and to not eat any red meat in 2016.

"Surfing is not only an excellent workout, but being in the water serves as a form of meditation for me, thus helping to keep my mind clear and prepare me for the long day ahead.

"Regarding red meat, I've taken breaks off of red meat or beef in the past, but this will be my longest. At the end of the day, greenhouse gases associated with beef contribute 15% of total greenhouse gases, more than the entire transportation industry combined (all cars, planes, you name it), not to mention that 1,800 to 2,500 gallons of water that go into a single pound of beef. At the end of the day it's the most simple change we can make for the most significant impact. I hope others do the same."

Bob Shanks, EVP and CFO of Ford Motor Company, hopes to spruce up his home and his company.

Bob Shanks, EVP and CFO of Ford Motor Company, hopes to spruce up his home and his company.

"On the personal side, my spouse and I bought a condo in a high-rise building under construction in Miami. We're looking forward to working with an interior designer — who we have yet to select — to create a wonderful environment that we can enjoy and share with our families in the years ahead.

"On the business front, we're ending an extraordinary year at Ford, so I'm looking forward to building on that foundation in 2016 as we continue strengthening our core business, while we work to realize new business opportunities that are emerging that have been created by new technologies sweeping over our industry and how people move."

John Jacobs, cofounder of Life is Good, plans to focus on two things.

John Jacobs, cofounder of Life is Good, plans to focus on two things.

"My resolutions are to help our Life is Good community share their stories of optimism, and to weave more live music into our three kids' lives."

Alicia Navarro, CEO of Skimlinks, would like to continue her daily yoga meditation practice.

Alicia Navarro, CEO of Skimlinks, would like to continue her daily yoga meditation practice.

"The hardest thing when running a company, working long hours, and traveling a lot, is finding time to exercise enough in order to make a significant difference to your body, and finding time to meditate enough in order to make a significant difference to your state of calm.

"I've just started a daily yoga meditation practice in my own living room, which has started to achieve both goals: I whip out a yoga mat, and even if its just 15 minutes in my pajamas, I do it every day. The satisfaction of seeing muscle definition, feeling greater flexibility, and gaining access to a mindful state, are what I'm hoping to continue and achieve throughout 2016.

Andy Katz-Mayfield, cofounder and co-CEO of Harry's wants to send more hand-written thank you notes.

Andy Katz-Mayfield, cofounder and co-CEO of Harry

"My resolution is to send more hand-written thank you notes. They go a long way towards showing appreciation, and they make people smile."

Jeff Raider, cofounder and co-CEO of Harry's, hopes to be on time more often.

Jeff Raider, cofounder and co-CEO of Harry

"My resolution is to be on time. Most days, my schedule's overbooked, making it pretty much impossible to be on time for everything. But it's an important way to show other people that you appreciate how valuable their time is."

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