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7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don't

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don't

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don't

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don't

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don

Getting rich has little to do with your level of education

"Self-made millionaires know getting rich has little to do with intelligence and everything to do with focus and persistence," Siebold writes.

Building a fortune isn't necessarily about being smarter, he explains: "It's about knowing what you want and being laser-focused on getting it, no matter how long it takes or how hard you have to work. It's simple, but not easy."

In fact, many incredibly wealthy and successful people are college dropouts. While the rich don't necessarily put much stock in furthering wealth through formal education, they do appreciate the power of learning long after high school or college is over and choose to constantly self-educate.

"Walk into a wealthy person's home and one of the first things you'll see is an extensive library of books they've used to educate themselves on how to become more successful," Siebold writes.

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don't

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don

If you do what you love, the money tends to follow

The wealthiest, most successful people pursue their passions.

"The masses think about how much they can get paid to do something, while the rich figure out what they love to do and then find out how to make money doing it," Siebold explains.

If you do what you love, other traits required to be successful will come easier, he argues: "Instead of setting out to find work with the most profit potential, focus on work that has the most fulfillment potential. Once you find it, invest so much heart and soul into your work that you become one of the most competent people in your field. You'll be rewarded with uncommon wealth."

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don't

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don

You don't have to have money to make money

"The middle class cliché that you have to have money to make money is limiting at best and destructive at worst," Siebold writes. "The truth is you have to have great ideas that solve problems to make money ... Creative ideas are the scarce resource, but most people are so focused on where the money is coming from, that they ignore their ideas."

The wealthiest people focus on coming up with innovative ideas first — then, they aren't afraid to fund their future from other people's pockets.

"The wealthy know money is always available because rich people are always looking for great investments and superior performers to make those investments profitable," Siebold says.

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don't

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don

Money doesn't just fall in your lap — you have to go after it

"You're not going to be discovered, saved, or made rich by an outside force," Siebold notes. "If you want a lot of money, build your own ship. No one is coming to the rescue."

While the middle class tend to play the waiting game, the rich define specific wealth goals and create a concrete plan in order to achieve them.

The rich not only actively pursue their ambitious financial goals until they're met; they expect to make money. "Wealthy people ask, 'Why not me? I'm as good as anyone else, and I deserve to be rich. If I serve others by solving problems, why shouldn't I be rewarded with a fortune?'" Siebold writes. "And, since they have this belief, their behavior moves them toward the manifestation of their dreams."

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don't

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don

The quickest way to wealth is self-employment

Average people choose to get paid based on time — on a steady salary or hourly rate — while rich people choose to get paid based on results. What's more, rich people are typically self-employed and determine the size of their own paycheck.

"It's not that there aren't world-class performers who punch a time clock for a paycheck, but for most this is the slowest path to prosperity, promoted as the safest," Siebold writes. "The great ones know self-employment is the fastest road to wealth."

While the world-class continue starting businesses and building fortunes, average people settle for steady paychecks and miss out on the opportunity to accumulate great wealth. "The masses almost guarantee themselves a life of financial mediocrity by staying in a job with a modest salary and yearly pay raises," Siebold says.

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don't

7 truths millionaires embrace that the rest of us don

Getting rich is an inside job

Anyone can become wealthy, Siebold emphasizes: "Getting rich beings with the way you think and what you believe about making money ... The secret has always been the same: thinking."

How do you start thinking like a rich person? Study them, Siebold says.

Next, "Stop telling yourself that getting rich is outside of your control," he emphasizes. "The truth is that making money is an inside job."

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