7 easy ways to stop being socially awkward
7 easy ways to stop being socially awkward
7 easy ways to stop being socially awkward
2. Focus on the other person
"The best thing I ever learned to improve my social skills was to think of the other person/people instead of myself," says Jennifer McGinnis. "Instead of worrying how I was 'performing' or coming across, I would think about the other person and how they seemed to be feeling or getting along."
Chances are good that your conversation partner is feeling just as uncomfortable as you are — and recognizing that could help you relax.
7 easy ways to stop being socially awkward
3. Act 'as if'
In other words, fake it till you make it.
Act "as if" you have great social skills. What does that look like? ... Pretend you are the host of whatever gathering you are in and make someone feel welcome. Smile, make brief eye contact, and say hi.
Crawford is on to something. A growing body of research suggests that you can change your emotions simply by changing your behavior. For example, smiling can make you feel happier, and adopting a "power pose" can make you feel more confident.
7 easy ways to stop being socially awkward
4. Practice and reflect
Social awkwardness is something of a vicious cycle. The worse you feel, the less likely you are to talk to people, which only exacerbates your discomfort.
That's why Jeremy Mifsud recommends deliberately seeking out a range of social situations as a kind of experiment:
The easiest ways to improve your social skills is to consciously put yourself into social situations. Afterward think about what went to your liking and what else was there that you wanted out of each situation.
7 easy ways to stop being socially awkward
5. Take an improv class
Hari Alipuria suggests that others who frequently feel awkward in social situations follow his lead in doing improvisational theater:
Most social awkwardness is the result of overthinking. This overthinking is the result of fear. Improv forces you to be in the moment. ... Instead of thinking about myself, I actively listen, and build on what others have said.
It goes back to McGinnis' idea that you should redirect your focus away from yourself, what might go wrong in the future, and the mistakes you've made in the past and concentrate instead on the current conversation.
7 easy ways to stop being socially awkward
6. Team up with someone more socially skilled
"I have found that a good way to increase my social exposure is to make a few, close friendships with people who are inherently much more gregarious than I am," writes Ankit Sethi.
"I accompany them to social events, they help to introduce me to new people and thereby give me a social 'starting line of credit' with these folks, because by virtue of association with the gregarious friend I don't have to start from scratch with them — I already have an implicit endorsement, of sorts.
"Another plus is that they can deal with the small talk much more easily, giving you the option to chime in whenever you have something substantial to say and stay quiet when you don't."
Eventually, you'll feel OK talking to people on your own, without the support of your chatty pal.
7 easy ways to stop being socially awkward
7. Ask questions
Don't use every interaction as an opportunity to impose your values and beliefs on others. Consider how you can make the other person feel relaxed and give them space to express their thoughts and feelings.
"Instead of racing to insert your own point of view, ask questions," says Karen Engdahl. "Don't interrupt. Don't feel compelled to fill silence with chatter."
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