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11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

Specialize your skills

The skills recruiters look for when they scan through résumés depend on the type of position they're trying to fill, says Rita Friedman, a Philadelphia-based career coach.

For example, if you're applying for a position that requires technical knowledge, include specific examples of technology or equipment you use, even if it could be reasonably assumed you must know these things, Friedman suggests.

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

Scan through a ton of job postings

"To ensure that you're including relevant information on your résumé, carefully review job postings and highlight the parts that make you say, 'Oh, I do that all the time!'" Friedman suggests. "When you're writing your own resume, it can be hard to be objective, and you may forget about things that you're so good at doing they come to you automatically."

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

Research people with the jobs you want

Friedman and O'Donnell both suggest checking out the LinkedIn pages of people whose jobs you'd like. Check out their "Skills & Endorsements" section and identify which ones you could justify putting on your profile too.

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

Ask a friend

Similarly to looking at a stranger's LinkedIn page, talk to friends who have jobs similar to the line of work you're looking to get into. There's no harm in asking to take a look at their résumés and scanning their skills section for anything you could reasonably add to your own.

The key is to use this as a jumping off point and personalize it — be sure you're not simply cutting and pasting what they've written. You should be able to back these skills up with your own concrete examples.

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

Diversify your list of skills

"When evaluating a résumé, recruiters are looking for two big qualities: hustle and curiosity," says Kate Swoboda, creator of the Courageous Coaching Training Program.

She says employers today are looking for résumés that demonstrate the person takes initiative and is motivated by curiosity.

"These days, coders are now expected to interact with clients, and the person in charge of crafting the company's next great tweet might also be called upon to help with some aspects of visual design," Swoboda explains. "Recruiters are looking for people who are curious enough and motivated enough to go beyond their technical job description because that adds more value for a company."

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

Don't be afraid to make it personal

"I'm very much in the camp of not hiding your personal life, skill set, and interests from a prospective employer," says Michelle Ward, a creative career coach and co-author of "The Declaration of You!"

She suggests including skills you've learned from outside passions, whether that includes owning an Etsy shop or planning your best friend's wedding.

"I think, more and more, companies want to see a well-rounded, inquisitive, personable candidate that is right for the job and would be someone interesting to have in the office," she says. "Just make sure to relate that experience back to how it'd be value for the company/position you're applying for."

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

Consider what you're proud of

Friedman suggests you make a list of the things you're especially proud of accomplishing in your jobs and then think about what skills you used to accomplish these.

"If you reduced the amount of time it takes to complete a task, you may have strong skills revolving around process improvement or automation," she says. "If you got back the business of a former client who left, you may have a talent for repairing damaged relationships."

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

Don't forget what others are proud of, too

Ward suggests asking yourself, "What do people thank me for? What do I get complimented on, repeatedly?"

Break these complements down into the skills you used to get them.

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

Quantify your skills

Before you add any skills to your list, O'Donnell suggests you ask yourself a number of questions like:

How many projects have I led?
How many people were on the team?
How many customers were affected by my work?
How many people did I train?
How much money was involved?
What kind of results/savings did I get?

"If you ask yourself enough of these, you find your way to validate and quantify your experience in a way a recruiter can understand," she says.

Friedman agrees and says it's always better to show rather than tell on your résumé.

"For example, if you're in sales, you don't just need to hit keywords like 'business development' or 'consultative selling;' you need to have quantifiable examples of your skill set in action: 'Increased sales over previous year by 63%.'"

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

11 ways to pad out your resume without lying

Talk it out

Talk about your experiences out loud with someone, preferably a professional or someone who has work experience, suggests Alyssa Gelbard, founder and president of Résumé Strategists.

"They hear things differently and can help you translate your internships, jobs, extracurricular, and educational experiences into important skills for a potential job."

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