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The 18 most 'miserable' countries in the world

18. Tunisia

The 18 most 'miserable' countries in the world

17. Jamaica

17. Jamaica

Misery-index score: 20.7%

CPI inflation: 7.1%

Unemployment: 13.6%

Jamaica's economy relies heavily on the services sector, including tourism. Unfortunately, the country suffers from high crime and corruption and a high unemployment — which leads to more crime.

The government is battling a two-headed hydra: On the one hand, it needs to achieve fiscal discipline to maintain debt payments, but on the other hand it wants to confront the serious crime problem.

Source: CIA Factbook

16. Croatia

16. Croatia

Misery-index score: 20.8%

CPI inflation: -0.2%

Unemployment: 21%

Croatia is one of the better-off former Yugoslav republics, but the country was hammered by sudden slowdown in 2008 with the financial crisis and never fully recovered. Major long-term problems include uneven regional development, a challenging investment climate, and a "stubbornly" high unemployment rate.

Source: CIA Factbook

15. Ukraine

15. Ukraine

Misery-index score: 20.9%

CPI inflation: 12.1%

Unemployment: 8.8%

Ukraine's economy was hit hard during the financial crisis, finally rebounded in 2010, and then imploded after Russia annexed Crimea. (GDP fell by 6.8% in 2014.)

Political corruption and inefficient reforms continue to hold back the country.

Source: CIA Factbook

14. Mongolia

14. Mongolia

Misery-index score: 21.7%

CPI inflation: 12.9%

Unemployment: 8.8%

"Mongolia's economy faces near-term economic risks from the government's loose fiscal and monetary policies, which are contributing to high inflation, and from uncertainties in foreign demand for Mongolian exports," according to the CIA Factbook.

Source: CIA Factbook

13. Egypt

13. Egypt

Misery-index score: 23.5%

CPI inflation: 10.1%

Unemployment: 13.4%

Egypt's economy has slowed since 2011 following political and security uncertainty. The country's tourism and manufacturing sectors were particularly bruised. Additionally, limited foreign-exchange earnings and weak growth have made public finances unsustainable.

Recently, a huge gas field was discovered off Egypt's coast.

Source: CIA Factbook

12. Spain

12. Spain

Misery-index score: 24.1

CPI inflation: -0.2%

Unemployment: 24.3%

Spain looked deflated during the financial crisis, but thing are looking up. The country saw its first full year of positive economic growth in 2014, its unemployment rate is falling at the fastest rate ever recorded, its borrowing costs are "dramatically" lower than their peak in 2012, and inflation is falling.

Source: CIA Factbook

11. Greece

11. Greece

Misery-index score: 25.5

CPI inflation: -1.3%

Unemployment: 26.8%

Greece was the big story out of Europe this summer as the Syriza government battled against its European creditors over a bailout deal.

Unfortunately, on top of Greece's numerous economic problems, "uncertainty regarding Greece's future in the eurozone has dampened investor confidence," according to the CIA Factbook.

Source: CIA Factbook

10. Iran

10. Iran

Misery-index score: 26.1

CPI inflation: 15.8%

Unemployment: 10.3%

Iran is the wild card on the world stage right now. The potential sanctions relief could lead to an economic window of opportunity, especially considering that the country has a young, relatively well-educated population and a large market size. Plus, Iranian oil stands to return to the market.

Source: CIA Factbook, World Economic Forum

9. Serbia

9. Serbia

Misery-index score: 27.8

CPI inflation: 1.7%

Unemployment: 26.1%

Serbia faces numerous long-term economic challenges, including the need for job creation, high government expenditures (on salaries, pensions, and healthcare), rising public and private foreign debt, and attracting foreign direct investment.

The country also struggles with high levels of corruption and an aging population.

Source: CIA Factbook

8. Macedonia

8. Macedonia

Misery-index score: 27.9

CPI inflation: -0.1%

Unemployment: 28%

Macedonia has taken huge steps forward since gaining independence, but the country has failed to attract the same foreign investment as its Balkan neighbors. Additionally, corruption and weak rule are long-term problems suffocating the economy.

Source: CIA Factbook

7. South Africa

7. South Africa

Misery-index score: 31.1

CPI inflation: 6.1%

Unemployment: 25%

South Africa's is one of the biggest names in emerging markets, making up the final letter in the BRICS acronym. But economic growth has decelerated in recent years, and unemployment, poverty, and inequality remain major long-term problems.

Source: CIA Factbook

6. Lesotho

6. Lesotho

Misery-index score: 32

CPI inflation: 3.9%

Unemployment: 28.1%

Lesotho's government is the country's largest employer, but the economy also relies on textile manufacturing, agriculture, and remittances. Notably, diamond mining has grown in recent years, which analysts believe could contribute as much as 8.5% to GDP by the end of 2015.

Source: CIA Factbook

5. Yemen

5. Yemen

Misery-index score: 35.2

CPI inflation: 8.2%

Unemployment: 27%

"Yemen is a low-income country that is highly dependent on declining oil resources for revenue," according to the CIA Factbook.

Further, the country struggles with long-term problems, including declining water resources, high unemployment, and "severe" food scarcity. And, on top of all of that, the country is in the midst of a civil war.

Source: CIA Factbook

4. Argentina

4. Argentina

Misery-index score: 44.1

CPI inflation: 36.4%

Unemployment: 7.7%

Argentina's economy struggles with an unsustainable and growing fiscal deficit, a stagnating economy, extremely high inflation, and increased drug related violence. And election season is coming.

Source: CIA Factbook, The Washington Post

3. Djibouti

3. Djibouti

Misery-index score: 62.9

CPI inflation: 2.9%

Unemployment: 60%

Djibouti relies heavily on foreign assistance to help support its balance of payments, and struggles with a 60% unemployment rate.

Inflation is "not a concern" — but only because the Djiboutian franc is tied to the US dollar. Unfortunately, the artificially high value of the Djiboutian franc hurts the country's balance of payments.

Source: CIA Factbook

2. Syria

2. Syria

Misery-index score: 67.8

CPI inflation: 34.8%

Unemployment: 33%

Syria's economy continues to decay. It got significantly worse in 2014 following international sanctions, widespread infrastructure damage, and decreased consumption and production. And on top of that, thousands of Syrian refugees are fleeing the country every day.

Source: CIA Factbook

1. Venezuela

1. Venezuela

Misery-index score: 70

CPI inflation: 62.2%

Unemployment: 7.8%

"Venezuela seems to be going from worse to worse," RBC Capital Markets' Helima Croft previously wrote.

The plunging oil prices in late 2014, combined with a recession, crushed the Venezuelan economy. Inflation is out of control to the point that an iPhone 6 costs nearly $47,700 right now. The country is looking for allies outside of OPEC in hopes of stabilizing its oil prices.

Source: CIA Factbook, Bloomberg News

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