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  4. GOP Sen. Rand Paul said there were 'silver linings' to coronavirus outbreaks at meat-packing plants — and argued recovered employees could return to work on unproven immunity theory

GOP Sen. Rand Paul said there were 'silver linings' to coronavirus outbreaks at meat-packing plants — and argued recovered employees could return to work on unproven immunity theory

Joseph Zeballos-Roig   

GOP Sen. Rand Paul said there were 'silver linings' to coronavirus outbreaks at meat-packing plants — and argued recovered employees could return to work on unproven immunity theory
  • Paul said there was a "silver-lining" to the surge of coronavirus cases at meatpacking plants at a congressional hearing on Tuesday.
  • "The silver lining to so many infections in the meat-processing industry is that a large portion of these workers now have immunity," Paul said.
  • Fauci pushed back, saying it was still too early to determine whether antibodies could afford people who had recovered from the virus with a high amount of protection.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Sen. Rand Paul said on Tuesday there was a "silver-lining" to the spate of coronavirus infections at meatpacking plants, arguing employees are able to build immunity as a result. The evidence, though, remains slim so far.

The Kentucky Republican made the case that workers should be able to return to work after recovering from a coronavirus infection. He was referring to the spate of infections at several meatpacking factories across the country, which President Trump ordered to remain open.

"The silver lining to so many infections in the meat-processing industry is that a large portion of these workers now have immunity," Paul said at the Senate hearing. "Those workers should be reassured that they likely won't get it again instead of being alarmed by media reports that there is no evidence of immunity."

Paul also said workers with immunity could serve as "a strong part of our economic recovery."

At least 12,000 meatpacking and food plant workers have been infected with the virus, and at least 48 have died. Experts say it's emerging as a new "hot-spot" for COVID-19, the respiratory illness caused by the virus, Business Insider's Kate Taylor reported.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, pushed back against the Kentucky Republican's certainty during the hearing. He said research on coronavirus antibodies was still ongoing but it was a "reasonable" assumption due to the behavior of other transmissible viruses.

"Given what we know about the recovery from viruses such as coronaviruses in general — or even any infectious disease with very few exceptions — that when you have antibodies present, it very likely indicates a degree of protection," he said.

Fauci said experts have not been able to determine what level of protection is afforded to people who recovered from the virus so far. Both men later sparred over whether it was too soon to reopen the economy and send kids back to school.

"We don't know everything about this virus," Fauci said.

Fauci's remarks echo what other public health experts and organizations have said: It is still early in researchers' understanding of the coronavirus and studies are being conducted to shed more light on its health effects.

There is evidence suggesting people who had been infected with the virus develop antibodies, a critical element in warding off a virus and boosting immunity. One study conducted in New York City found nearly every person who had been infected with the virus had antibodies, regardless of age and gender.

Having antibodies, though, isn't the same as developing full immunity.

Late last month, the World Health Organization discouraged the use of so-called immunity passports for recovered coronavirus cases. The agency said in a scientific brief there was "no evidence" indicating people with coronavirus cases couldn't be reinfected again.

Scores of coronavirus tests are also fraught with false positives, The New York Times reported, meaning a test could detect antibodies when none actually exist within a person.

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