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8 jobs every company will be hiring for by 2020

Data analysts will be in demand.

8 jobs every company will be hiring for by 2020

In fact, computer and mathematical jobs as a whole will also continue to get a boost.

In fact, computer and mathematical jobs as a whole will also continue to get a boost.

Jobs that fall under the computer and mathematical occupations will grow.

These occupations include computer programmers, software developers, information security analysts, and more.

Architects and engineering jobs will remain stable.

Architects and engineering jobs will remain stable.

During the next four years, the demand for those skilled in architecture and engineering will continue to increase.

Specifically, the report states there will be growth for engineers focused on biochemicals, nanotechnology, robotics, and materials.

By 2020, 2 million jobs will be created worldwide that fall under computer and mathematical and architecture and engineering related fields, according to the report.

More specialized sales people will also be needed.

More specialized sales people will also be needed.

As technological advancements continue to disrupt industries, there will be a growing need for specialized sales people who can explain the company's offerings to a wide range of clients, including businesses, governments, consumers, as well as to new clients that the company has never worked with before.

For example, as content is increasingly consumed on mobile, a digital media company would want to hire sales people who are knowledgeable with the ins and outs of mobile advertising.

Senior managers will be needed in industries across the board to lead companies through periods of transformations.

Senior managers will be needed in industries across the board to lead companies through periods of transformations.

Industries ripe for disruption will also need a new type of senior manager to help companies navigate the rough waters of change, the report states.

Industries that will need these new type of senior managers include media, entertainment, and information, according to the report.

Product designers aren't going anywhere.

Product designers aren

One of the top skills that will be in demand by 2020 is creativity, according to the report. This will occur because while a lot of monotonous jobs can be automated, creative jobs still require a human.

One occupation survey respondents said will be increasingly needed with this skillset will be designers, specifically commercial and industrial designers.

These are the people that design and develop products like cars, appliances, gadgets, and other manufactured goods.

Human resources and organizational development specialists will also be needed to help reskill workers.

Human resources and organizational development specialists will also be needed to help reskill workers.

While technological and socio-economic changes will cause some jobs to disappear completely, there will also be a new jobs created and people needed to fill them.

One way companies are planning on dealing with finding the talent needed for new jobs is by training existing employees with new skill sets.

In fact, according to the report, 65% of respondents said that they are investing in reskilling current employees.

So development specialists and human resource professionals will be needed not only for hiring in a competitive market, but they will also be needed to help employees develop new skill sets.

Demand for regulatory and government relations experts will continue to increase as companies embrace new technologies.

Demand for regulatory and government relations experts will continue to increase as companies embrace new technologies.

As companies adopt and develop emerging technologies, they will also be looking to hire those familiar with how to navigate the legal side of things.

For example, as traditional automakers and tech companies both develop driverless cars, they are also hiring people to understand the relevant laws and to work with government regulators in figuring out the best way to implement the technology.

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