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  5. These amazing facts about India’s manufacturing sector show India could soon beat the US, but is still far away from catching up to China<b></b>
  6. These amazing facts about India’s manufacturing sector show India could soon beat the US, but is still far away from catching up to China

These amazing facts about India’s manufacturing sector show India could soon beat the US, but is still far away from catching up to China

Manufacturing Value

These amazing facts
about India’s manufacturing sector show India could soon beat the US, but is
still far away from catching up to China<b></b>

Manufacturing & its share in the economy

Manufacturing & its share in the economy
Manufacturing is more significant in India, relative to the size of the economy, than in the United Kingdom, France, US and Canada, but much less important than in Indonesia, Japan, Germany, China, and South Korea

High Technology Exports (Percentage of manufactured exports)

High Technology Exports (Percentage of manufactured exports)
High-technology exports are products with high R&D intensity, such as in aerospace, computers, pharmaceuticals, scientific instruments, and electrical machinery.

Manufactured Exports

Manufactured Exports
When talking about manufactures we’re talking about chemicals, basic manufactures, machinery and transport and miscellaneous manufactured goods. 16 years back (2000) China was at 88% and US was at 83%, while India looked far behind at 78%. US and India both took a deep hit in 2015 while China gained momentum.

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