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Steven Seagal Rocked Out With Pro-Russia Separatists In Crimea

Aug 11, 2014, 20:29 IST

Action movie star Steven Seagal brought his blues band to a bikers' festival held on Saturday in the city of Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula, which was annexed from Ukraine by Russia earlier this year. Seagal reportedly rocked out in front of a flag used by the pro-Russian separatists who are still battling Ukrainian forces in the eastern part of the country. According to Instagram user "batiliman," who posted a review of show the photo-sharing site, also said Seagal was presented with a t-shirt showing Russian President Vladimir Putin on stage.


"A surgeon gifted Steven Seagal a wonderful t-shirt for memory's sake, to which Steven replied that now he is a true Russian," batiliman wrote.

In addition to his film career, guitar playing, and martial arts experience, Seagal has dabbled in international politics and he has a personal friendship with Putin. In 2012, Seagal visited Russia and watched a mixed martial arts fight with Putin, who is a longtime practitioner of judo. At that event, Seagal declared his "love" for Putin.

"I'm Russian, I love Russia, I love Russian people, and I love your president. I really like that he does so much to support martial arts in Russia," Seagal said in an interview with a local television station.

Last year, Seagal used his Russian connections to arrange meetings between a U.S. congressional delegation and Russian officials.


Seagal's support for Putin's regime and its annexation of Crimea got his blues band banned from a festival in Estonia earlier this summer. However, according to batiliman, Saturday's concert wasn't marred by the political tensions.

"The concert in Sevastopol was simply 'Hooray!'" batiliman wrote.

Check out a picture of Seagal displaying his souvenir from Sevastopol below.

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