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Stephen Colbert Signed Bill Clinton Up For Twitter Last Night

Apr 9, 2013, 21:39 IST

Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert signed up President Bill Clinton on Twitter and convinced him to send out his first tweet Monday night, during Clinton's appearance on "The Colbert Report."


"Sir, I took the liberty of opening up a Twitter account," Colbert told Clinton during an interview at the annual Clinton Global Initiative University gathering in St. Louis.

"Now, @PresidentClinton was taken. @WilliamJeffersonClinton was taken. But @PrezBillyJeff was available. Would you like to break into the 21st Century right now and send out your first tweet?"

Clinton then dictated what he wanted Colbert to tweet, which reads:

Colbert also wrote Clinton's Twitter bio, which reads: "I am President William Jefferson Billy Jeff Rodham Clinton. Stephen Colbert is my BFF."


Earlier, Clinton had said he did not use Twitter because he felt "insecure" about it.

"You know — what if you tweet and nobody tweets back?" Clinton said. "There's nothing worse than a friendless tweeter, right? You're just wandering around in cyberspace."

Watch the clip of Clinton's appearance below, via Comedy Central:

The Colbert Report
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