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Stephen Colbert Reads Top 10 List He Wrote For David Letterman 17 Years Ago

Apr 23, 2014, 10:08 IST


Stephen Colbert made his first appearance on the "Late Show with David Letterman" since news broke that he will take over hosting duties after Letterman retires next year.


While appearing on the show, Colbert revealed he applied for a position as an intern 17 years ago.

He said he even wrote a Top 10 list, mirroring the ones Letterman reads on the late-night show.

Colbert brought the Christmas-themed list entitled "Top Ten Cocktails for Santa" with him and read it on air.




After Colbert finished reading the list, Letterman was impressed Colbert explained each of his jokes.

When Colbert puzzlingly inquired whether the Late Show host explained his jokes, Letterman said he gave up on that back in '97.

Colbert will begin a five-year agreement with CBS after Letterman retires next year.

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