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Stephen Colbert Previews The Awkward Thanksgiving Conversation Between John Roberts And His Gay Cousin

Mar 29, 2013, 20:36 IST

Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert on Thursday tackled the two high-profile gay marriage cases argued before the Supreme Court earlier this week.


Colbert joked that Chief Justice John Roberts and Jean Podrasky, his openly gay cousin who attended the hearings this week, are in for an awkward Thanksgiving dinner conversation.

"John, may I have some mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes?" Colbert said, imagining the dinner-table chat.

"Or are those two things too similar to share a plate and offend your traditional Thanksgiving values, even though they taste great together and they're perfect for one another? If anyone needs me, I'll be in the car."

Watch the full Colbert segment below, via Comedy Central:


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