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Stephen Colbert hilariously spoofs Donald Trump's wall with a famous Mexican actor

Oct 7, 2016, 20:30 IST

&quotThe Late with Stephen Colbert"/CBS; YouTube

Stephen Colbert spoofed Donald Trump's proposed wall between Mexico and the US by introducing one Hispanic man who's really behind the proposal.

"Naturally, the wall isn't particularly popular in Mexico or with fans of dignity," Colbert said on Thursday's "Late Show." "We did find one Hispanic person who's a big supporter of the wall. Please welcome live via satellite from the border, Martin Hernandez, everybody!"

In the sketch, Golden Globe-winning "Mozart in the Jungle" star Gael Garcia Bernal (who is himself Mexican) plays Martin, wearing a hard hat and yellow vest.

"I love the wall. I will take any opportunity to talk about the wall," Bernal's Hernandez said. "The wall is the simplest, most elegant solution for keeping people out of a country. Way more practical than, say, a flaming moat full of crocodiles, or trained swarms of bees to check the passports."

But all is not what it seems. When Colbert expresses surprise over his guest's excitement about the wall, it becomes abundantly clear that Hernandez isn't a Mexican citizen. He's Canadian.


He protested, "Just because someone's Hispanic, they can't be Canadian? Come on, man. Have you ever heard of the host of 'Jeopardy!' Alejandro Trebek?"

"Hernandez" then reveals that he's actually at the border between the US and Alberta, Canada, and hopes the wall will keep away all those Americans threatening to move to Canada if Trump wins the presidency.

"You'll take our jobs, and steal our women. You keep your filthy American hands off Celine Dion! My heart will go on, not yours," he exclaims.

Watch the sketch below:


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