Startups Are Running Out Of Cash, And Founders Need To Know When To Quit
Even though quitting is never an ideal situation, serial entrepreneur and investor Howard A. Tullman recently wrote on Inc that entrepreneurs need to know when enough is enough.
"Sometimes you need to be smart enough to figure out how to quit when you're ahead--even if you're actually way behind," he writes.
Tullman says that there's no simple answer for determining when it's time to throw in the towel, but he follows what he calls The Rule of 3 Ds and 3 Fs.
"There are some things you've got to Do, Determine and Discuss," Tullman writes. "The Fs are Facts, Feelings, and Family."
- The most important thing you have to do is face the facts.
- You then need to determine how you feel about the situation. For example, if you frequently don't feel appreciated, it's time to go.
- Discuss your situation with your family because running a business can be just as hard on them as it is on you.