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Stanford Officially Condemns Snapchat CEO's Frat Emails As 'Abhorrent'

May 31, 2014, 00:51 IST

Video screengrab/AllThingsDEvan Spiegel, CEO of Snapchat

Earlier this week, Valleywag leaked some cringe-worthy college emails from Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel, who was the social chair of his Kappa Sigma fraternity at Stanford University. The emails - which talked about excessive drinking, drugs, and Spiegel peeing on a woman - made Spiegel look very, very bad.


Spiegel apologized, saying that he is mortified by the emails and that they "in no way reflect" who he is today or his views toward women.

Now, we can see how his alma mater feels about the immature emails. Sam Biddle tweeted a letter from Stanford Provost John Etchemendy that was apparently sent to all Stanford undergrads.

In the letter, Etchemendy says that he found Spiegels messages "abhorrent" and that they do not reflect what members of the Stanford community expect from one another.

"I have no reason to doubt [Spiegel's] statement or the sincerity of his regret," Etchmendy writes. "But that does not change the fact that the emails were sent. And in my mind, that raises a troubling question for the rest of us. Because the emails were also received, and no doubt received by others who found them crude, offensive, and demeaning to women - others who had already matured enough to see them as, in fact, worse than 'idiotic.'"


He calls on all students to "affirmatively reject" that kind of behavior and attitudes when they see it from their peers or colleagues.

"It does not take many strong and vocal objections to communicate what we consider acceptable and what we do not," he writes. "Members of our community should learn now, not many years from now, how abhorrent those attitudes are, whether real or feigned. "

Here's the full letter [click to enlarge]:


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