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What 19 Olympic Athletes Do For A Living

Vanessa-Mae (alpine skiing) is an acclaimed violinist.

What 19 Olympic Athletes Do For A Living

Elana Meyers (bobsled) is a substitute teacher.

Elana Meyers (bobsled) is a substitute teacher.

Source: BuzzFeed

John Shuster (curling) manages a Pickwick restaurant in Minnesota.

John Shuster (curling) manages a Pickwick restaurant in Minnesota.

Source: Facebook

Brad Jacobs (curling) is an RBC account manager.

Brad Jacobs (curling) is an RBC account manager.

Source: Edmonton Sun

Debbie McCormick (curling) is a distributor for Goldline, a gold seller.

Debbie McCormick (curling) is a distributor for Goldline, a gold seller.

Source: TeamUSA

Matt Mortensen (luge) is a handyman who has done painting and tiling.

Matt Mortensen (luge) is a handyman who has done painting and tiling.

Source: TeamUSA

Tomoko Sakagami (women's hockey) was a pizza delivery girl.

Tomoko Sakagami (women

Source: Reuters

Steve Holcomb (bobsled) is a computer technician.

Steve Holcomb (bobsled) is a computer technician.

Source: TeamUSA, SI

Jeff Isaacson (curling) is a science teacher at Gilbert Junior High School.

Jeff Isaacson (curling) is a science teacher at Gilbert Junior High School.

Source: TeamUSA

Nick Cunningham (bobsled) is a construction and masonry engineer in the New York National Guard.

Nick Cunningham (bobsled) is a construction and masonry engineer in the New York National Guard.

Jennifer Jones (curling) is a lawyer for National Bank Financial.

Jennifer Jones (curling) is a lawyer for National Bank Financial.

Source: CTV News

Kyle Tress (skeleton) started SledBox Interactive, a software development company.

Kyle Tress (skeleton) started SledBox Interactive, a software development company.

Source: NBC

Johnny Quinn (bobsled) runs Athlete Watch, a college recruiting service for athletes.

Johnny Quinn (bobsled) runs Athlete Watch, a college recruiting service for athletes.

Source: TeamUSA

Erika Brown (curling) is a physician's assistant at the McMaster Family Health Team.

Erika Brown (curling) is a physician

Source: TeamUSA

Hanae Kubo (women's hockey) works at a skating rink as a clerk.

Hanae Kubo (women

Source: Reuters

Jessica Schultz (curling) is a physical therapy assistant.

Jessica Schultz (curling) is a physical therapy assistant.

Source: Team USA

Chris Mazdzer (luge) works at the Whiteface Lodge, a winter resort in Lake Placid.

Chris Mazdzer (luge) works at the Whiteface Lodge, a winter resort in Lake Placid.

John Landsteiner (curling) is an engineer at Lake Superior Consulting.

John Landsteiner (curling) is an engineer at Lake Superior Consulting.

Julie Chu (women's hockey) is an assistant hockey coach at Union College.

Julie Chu (women

Source: Union
