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These are the winning words from every National Spelling Bee since 1925

And here's the list of every winning word since 1925:

These are the winning words from every National Spelling Bee since 1925
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2016 — Feldenkrais, gesellschaft

2016 — Feldenkrais, gesellschaft

Last year's spelling bee saw another tie after finalists exhausted the entire word list.

The two winning words were "Feldenkrais," spelled by Jairam Hathwar of New York, and "gesellschaft," spelled by Nihar Sai Reddy Janga of Texas.

"Feldenkrais" is a type of exercise therapy devised by Israeli engineer Moshe Feldenkrais. "Gesellschaft," in social theory, is a word for a society in which human relations are impersonal.

Check out the entire list of winning words here.

2015 — scherenschnitte, nunatak

2015 — scherenschnitte, nunatak

Two spellers were named co-champions in 2015 after the finalists exhausted the entire list of words.

Vanya Shivashankar of Kansas correctly spelled "scherenschnitte" — the art of paper cutting — to earn her share of the title.

Missouri's Gokul Venkatachalam clinched with an equally obscure word — "nunatak," a word of Greenlandic origin referring to a hill or mountain completely surrounded by glacial ice.

20011 — cymotrichous

20011 — cymotrichous

Sukanya Roy of Pennsylvania won the 2011 spelling bee by correctly spelling "cymotrichous," a way to describe wavy hair.

2005 — appoggiatura

2005 — appoggiatura

San Diego's Anurag Kashyap won the 2005 spelling bee by spelling "appoggiatura," a word for an embellishing musical note.

1998 — chiaroscurist

1998 — chiaroscurist

Jody-Anne Maxwell of Jamaica won the 1998 spelling bee, becoming the first non-American champion in the event's history.

Maxwell clinched the championship by spelling "chiaroscurist," a painter who uses shadows and exaggerated light contrasts for artistic effect.

1987 — staphylococci

1987 — staphylococci

By the mid-1980s, the words used in the spelling bee finals became dramatically more difficult. Stephanie Petit of Pennsylvania won the 1987 bee by spelling "staphylococci," the plural form of a type of disease-causing bacteria.

1978 — deification

1978 — deification

"Deification" was the winning word at the 1978 spelling bee, correctly spelled by Peg McCarthy of Kansas.

"Deification" is the act of treating someone like a god.

1970 — croissant

1970 — croissant

Libby Childress of North Carolina aced the word "croissant" to win the 1970 title.

1967 — chihuahua

1967 — chihuahua

Jennifer Reinke of Nebraska clinched the 1967 title by correctly spelling "chihuahua." The dog breed shares its name with the Mexican state it originates from.

1960 — eudaemonic

1960 — eudaemonic

Henry Feldman of Tennessee correctly spelled "eudaemonic" to win the 1960 spelling bee. "Eudaemonic" means "producing happiness."

1936 — eczema

1936 — eczema

Jean Trowbridge of Iowa correctly spelled "eczema" — a skin condition — to clinch the 1936 spelling bee. She also had to correctly spell "predilection," which another finalist had missed.

Three decades later, "eczema" would resurface as the winning word at the 1965 bee.

1925 — gladiolus

1925 — gladiolus

The championship word from the inaugural National Spelling Bee in 1925 was "gladiolus," a flowering plant in the iris family.

Eleven-year-old Frank Neuhauser of Kentucky correctly spelled it to take home the top prize — $500 in gold pieces and a trip to the White House.

When he returned to Louisville, crowds greeted him with a ticker-tape parade and bouquets of aptly chosen gladiolus flowers, according to The Washington Post's obituary of Neuhauser, who died in 2011.

The New York Times called Neuhauser's winning word "a cakewalk by modern standards" that "harks back to simpler times."

In the above photo, sixth-place finisher Patrick Kelly poses with President Calvin Coolidge.

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