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The world has changed a lot since the Cubs last won the World Series

African-Americans were not allowed to play baseball the last time the Cubs won the World Series. Jackie Robinson did not break the color barrier until 1947, four decades later.

The world has changed a lot since the Cubs last won the World Series

Women were not allowed to vote. The 19th amendment, allowing women to vote, was not ratified until 1920.

Women were not allowed to vote. The 19th amendment, allowing women to vote, was not ratified until 1920.

Cars were not being mass produced. In fact, the first Model-T debuted just 13 days before the Cubs won the 1908 World Series.

Cars were not being mass produced. In fact, the first Model-T debuted just 13 days before the Cubs won the 1908 World Series.

You could not buy sliced bread. Pre-sliced bread did not emerge until the 1920s.

You could not buy sliced bread. Pre-sliced bread did not emerge until the 1920s.

Clothes did not have zippers. the modern zipper was not used until 1911.

Clothes did not have zippers. the modern zipper was not used until 1911.

There were only 46 states. New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawai'i did not become states until after 1908.

There were only 46 states. New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawai

The Russian Empire still existed. Nicholas II did not abdicate until 1917.

The Russian Empire still existed. Nicholas II did not abdicate until 1917.

In 1908, man's life expectancy was just 49.5 years. Today it is 76.6 years.

In 1908, man

In 1908, the only way to experience a ball game was at the ballpark. Games were not broadcast on radio until 1921 and television until 1939.

In 1908, the only way to experience a ball game was at the ballpark. Games were not broadcast on radio until 1921 and television until 1939.

All baseball games were played during the day. The first night game was not played until 1935.

All baseball games were played during the day. The first night game was not played until 1935.

Now check out how much college football coaches make in 2016.

Now check out how much college football coaches make in 2016.

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