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25 examples of Tom Brady's insane competitiveness

Tom Brady knew he'd be great. When he was drafted, he reportedly told Patriots owner Robert Kraft, "I'm the best decision this organization has ever made."

25 examples of Tom Brady's insane competitiveness

He told his high-school coach after getting drafted that if he ever got the chance to start in the NFL, the Patriots would never go back to Drew Bledsoe.

He told his high-school coach after getting drafted that if he ever got the chance to start in the NFL, the Patriots would never go back to Drew Bledsoe.

Source: USA Today

And when Brady finally got the starting job, he told his backup it was no sweat. "I'm going to be one of the best at this game," he said.

And when Brady finally got the starting job, he told his backup it was no sweat. "I

Source: ESPN

But it wasn't always easy. He hired a psychologist to deal with the stress of being the seventh-string QB when he first got to Michigan.

But it wasn

Source: ESPN

Eighteen years later, Brady says he wants to play until he's 48!

Eighteen years later, Brady says he wants to play until he

In order to do so, Brady micromanages his life to play at an age when others retire. For instance, he goes to bed at 8:30 to stay fresh.

In order to do so, Brady micromanages his life to play at an age when others retire. For instance, he goes to bed at 8:30 to stay fresh.

And he does it without an alarm by doing brain exercises before bed.

And he does it without an alarm by doing brain exercises before bed.

He also has a ridiculous diet that few others could follow.

He also has a ridiculous diet that few others could follow.

The diet doesn't even include popular healthy foods like tomatoes, peppers, or mushrooms.

The diet doesn

And for a treat? Avocado-based ice cream.

And for a treat? Avocado-based ice cream.

When asked about retirement plans, Brady quipped, "What am I going to do, go scuba diving?"

When asked about retirement plans, Brady quipped, "What am I going to do, go scuba diving?"

He has a healthy respect for good competition. Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett said Brady compliments players who sack him.

He has a healthy respect for good competition. Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett said Brady compliments players who sack him.

And former Patriot Dante Stallworth said that Brady would pay practice-squad players who intercepted him.

And former Patriot Dante Stallworth said that Brady would pay practice-squad players who intercepted him.

Brady used "Joker! Rex Ryan, Rex Ryan!" as an audible call as a shot against the Buffalo Bills coach.

Brady used "Joker! Rex Ryan, Rex Ryan!" as an audible call as a shot against the Buffalo Bills coach.

There's also a darker side. Former teammate Darrelle Revis described Brady's desire to win as a "sickness."


Brady said nothing relieves his anger like a good F-bomb tirade.

Brady said nothing relieves his anger like a good F-bomb tirade.

Opponents say he's one of the only quarterbacks who will mix it up and talk trash.

Opponents say he

Source: CSNNE

But don't taunt him too much. A college friend said Brady once leveled an opponent during an intramural basketball game because he was trash-talking Tom.

But don

He doesn't take losing well. He admitted that he had to work on his body language so as not to be too hard on his teammates.

He doesn

There was speculation that during Deflategate Brady wouldn't take a lesser punishment because it would admit some sort of wrongdoing.

There was speculation that during Deflategate Brady wouldn

His emails revealed that he called ESPN analyst Mark Brunell a "Patriot hater" for doubting Brady's case in Deflategate.

His emails revealed that he called ESPN analyst Mark Brunell a "Patriot hater" for doubting Brady

He's always intense. Don't ask Brady to play a game of catch: He'll drill the ball at you from 5 yards away, according to Brandon LaFell.


Before afternoon games, Brady makes receivers prepare to stare into the sun by catching balls where the sun will be later on.

Before afternoon games, Brady makes receivers prepare to stare into the sun by catching balls where the sun will be later on.

Don't ask him to sign a photo where his mechanics look bad — he won't do it.


Former Patriot Dan Koppen said that Brady is the most competitive person he's ever met.

Former Patriot Dan Koppen said that Brady is the most competitive person he

Source: CSNNE

Now see what happened to the players who were drafted before Brady:

Now see what happened to the players who were drafted before Brady:

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