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  4. One of the UFC's top champions said George Floyd was tortured, and said he's never experienced anything like it in decades of fighting

One of the UFC's top champions said George Floyd was tortured, and said he's never experienced anything like it in decades of fighting

Alan Dawson   

One of the UFC's top champions said George Floyd was tortured, and said he's never experienced anything like it in decades of fighting
  • Jon Jones has been a professional fighter for 12 years.
  • But he said he has never experienced the "level of torture" George Floyd would have experienced being knelt on for more than seven minutes, dying on May 25.
  • Floyd, a black American male, died when a white Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin applied a "bloodchoke" on him.
  • "What that man went through was worse than drowning," Jones said.

One of the UFC's top champions said he's never experienced George Floyd's "level of torture" in all his years of fighting.

Floyd, a black man, died on Monday shortly after he was held down by a white police officer for nearly eight minutes, with the officer, named as Derek Chauvin, kneeling on his neck for almost eight minutes while he lay facedown on the road.

The incident has sparked chaos, protests, and riots, with prominent athletes like LeBron James speaking out, saying it is why the former NFL player Colin Kaepernick popularized the "take a knee" movement.

Now Jon Jones, one of the most dominant champions in MMA, has added his voice to the outcry, tweeting this week that Floyd was tortured, "murdered," and suffered a fate "worse than drowning."

He said: "I wouldn't wish the way George Floyd was murdered on my worst enemy. That officer applied just enough pressure to keep him alive for almost six minutes in that chokehold.

"In all my years of fighting I can honestly say I've never experienced anything close to that level of torture."

Jones added "murder" and "torture" hashtags to his tweets

Jones wants to see a "nationwide police change," adding: "When a man is in handcuffs and is screaming that he cannot breathe. Get the f--- off his chest and or neck.

"If you cant hold a man who is in handcuffs down by his feet you're a p---- and probably shouldn't be wearing that badge.

"That whole, 'If you can talk, you can breathe' crap is bulls---. What that man went through was worse than drowning.

"The dude literally at one point cried out for his mother," Jones said. "That officer [Chauvin] was disgusting and every other officer, Brown person white person, yellow, citizen in this country should be pissed off. We need justice.

"Anyone who has practiced the very basics of jujitsu recognizes a bloodchoke when they see this," he said. "That was as clear as day."

He added hashtags like "murder" and "torture" to his tweets.

Jones has held the UFC light heavyweight title in all but one of the years in the last decade. His record stands at 26 wins (10 KOs, 6 submissions, 10 decisions) against one loss — a disqualification.

Chauvin, the officer who knelt on Floyd's neck, has been involved in shootings before, and was the subject of 10 different complaints, Insider reported.

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Read the original article on Insider


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