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Middlesex opt to furlough players and staff amid COVID-19 pandemic


Middlesex opt to furlough players and staff amid COVID-19 pandemic
London, April 24 () English county side Middlesex cricket club has opted to furlough players and most of its staff, including coaches, under the UK government's job retention scheme amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

The club also announced pay-cuts across all sections of the staff to protect its long-term well being and stability.

Those earning annual salary above 27,500 pounds have agreed to a pay cut of 17 per cent initially until the end of May, while the senior management will take a 20 per cent reduction, a media release said.

"We are operating in unprecedented times. We have to make difficult decisions that not only protect the future of Middlesex Cricket but the jobs of our employees," Middlesex's Chief Executive, Richard Goatley said.

"For all staff to agree voluntarily to a significant salary reduction for the next two months is testament to how invested they are in Middlesex Cricket and committed to helping the Club through this crisis," Goatley added.

Under the furlough scheme, 80 per cent of wages up to a certain level are covered by the British government.

The coronavirus outbreak has caused all sporting activities, including international and domestic cricket, to come to a grinding halt.

Several county sides have already put players and staff on furlough or temporary leave. APA PDSPDS

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