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ESPN's Will Cain says Kyrie Irving is supporting racism and segregation with talks of a new, player-led basketball league

Scott Davis   

ESPN's Will Cain says Kyrie Irving is supporting racism and segregation with talks of a new, player-led basketball league
  • ESPN radio host Will Cain said during a recent segment that Kyrie Irving is supporting racism and segregation.
  • Cain referenced a recent Instagram post from Irving and reports that Irving has spoken to NBA players about building their own, player-owned basketball league separate from the NBA.
  • Cain questioned Irving's "agenda" and said it was trying to separate people rather than bring them together.
  • Cain said, "of course black lives matter," but said the validity and agenda of the specific Black Lives Matter movement should be questioned without being called racist.

ESPN radio host Will Cain questioned the "agenda" of Black Lives Matter and Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving during a segment on Wednesday.

Cain, who has branded himself a conservative figure in sports, went as far as to say Irving's ideas support segregation and racism.

Cain began the segment by asking for a specific agenda of the Black Lives Matter movement and what steps will be taken to accomplish it. Cain said while "of course black lives matter," he felt people should be able to question some of the goals of the "capitalized" Black Lives Matter movement without being called racist.

Cain then turned to Irving, who is reportedly leading a coalition of NBA players who are questioning the NBA's plan to resume the 2019-20 season in Walt Disney World. Irving has reportedly said that he doesn't support going to Orlando, partly because he worries it will take away from the national spotlight on racial inequalities and social justice reform.

"Here's Kyrie Irving taking us in yet another direction," Cain said. "This is the whole point: if we can't have an honest conversation about the validity of ideas every step of the way, and if you have any disagreement or questions about the validity of these ideas, then, therefore, you're racist, then we are sick in the head. I want you to listen to what Kyrie Irving says, and you tell me, is this something we have to sign up for?"

Cain then read an excerpt from an Instagram that Irving posted on June 2, when many social media users posted a black square with the caption "#blackouttuesday."

Part of Irving's caption read: "The agenda, FREE OUR PEOPLE, because we know all this talking and protesting will get us maybe a few law changes and conversations, but at this point it's bigger than that. It's time we take all our Native Indigenous Black culture, business, ideas to a new place as a collective and protect it just like other cultures have done. Build our own!"

I am calling on all my People of Color,Leaders of Change, and all those that are aware of what is happening, what has happened, and are ready for solutions. ✊✊✊✊They Can’t stop us when we are together and truly understand our Power as a collective. Our Native Indigenous Black Spirits, Our Native Indigenous Black Minds, Our Native Indigenous Black Bodies deserve to be treated with more Respect, Understanding, and Love. Know that Our bloodlines come from Royalty! We are the True Royalty, We are the Original King and Queens of this Spiritual and Physical world! They hide all of our History for a reason. We were captured and enslaved against our will for the benefit of their Oppressive and Racist system that has been in place and still is in place presently. They took/take damn there everything we have created Culturally, call it their own, and then turn it into something it was never meant to be or Mean. I am sick of this idea of letting things balance out and talk it out bullshit, and as a Native Of the Many Indigenous Lands of our world this is part of my Purpose of being here. It is to help change this whole Global agenda that has killed my family members and plagued my community for far to fucking long. Our parents and their parents parents have fought every year of their lives to keep the TRUTH about this world alive. The agenda, FREE OUR PEOPLE, because we know all this talking and protesting will get us maybe a few law changes and conversations, but at this point it’s bigger than that. It’s time we take all our Native Indigenous Black culture, business, ideas to a new place as a collective and protect it just like other cultures have done. Build our own! It’s clear White Supremacy and Corporations use us Native Indigenous Black Folk when it is beneficial for their agenda and pockets, so be aware of the truth in plain sight Family. How are we gonna break these generational curses that have been put on us purposefully to kill us and our families off? Taking our Land and Culture Back! Our Ancestors are watching and protecting us now more than ever! This is for Our Future Kids kids. We are the generation that will change this!

A post shared by Kyrie Eleison (KAI) (@kyrieirving) on Jun 2, 2020 at 11:34am PDT

"Kyrie Irving is talking about racism, but in support of it"

Cain used Irving's Instagram quote and then conflated it with a report from Stefan Bondy of The New York Daily News that Irving has discussed NBA players forming their own league. Ryen Russillo of The Ringer reported that Irving had addressed the topic with teammates before. Some Nets players denied the reports.

The Instagram post that Cain quoted was made several days before reports of Irving's opposition to the NBA's resumption.

"The headline has been 'Kyrie Irving talks about establishing a players-owned NBA,'" Cain said. "Kyrie Irving is talking about a secession. Kyrie Irving is talking about segregation. Kyrie Irving is talking about racism, but in support of it."

Cain said Irving was calling for people to be separated because of their differences, instead of embraced for their differences.

"We have gone 180 degrees ... This is the opposite. We're separating each other based on our shallow differences. So, is this the agenda?

"I know, you're gonna say, 'Will, it's Kyrie Irving. Kyrie Irving is an airhead' — you're right. You'd be absolutely correct. But the point is, without an answer, this is the kind of thing that has half-a-million endorsements on social media, on Instagram."

Cain added: "If I tell you that this is not just wrong, this is immoral, does that make me a racist?"

NBA players want more action from the league and its owners

Los Angeles Lakers guard Avery Bradley has been leading the "coalition" alongside Irving. Bradley told Adrian Wojnarowski and Malika Andrews of ESPN that he and Irving want to see the NBA and team owners take action in social justice reform.

"We don't need to say more. We need to find a way to achieve more. Protesting during an anthem, wearing T-shirts is great, but we need to see real actions being put into the works ... The actual act of sitting out doesn't directly fight systemic racism. But it does highlight the reality that without black athletes, the NBA wouldn't be what it is today. The league has a responsibility to our communities in helping to empower us — just as we have made the NBA brand strong."

Bradley added: "Why (is) all of the responsibility being put on the players?"

"What is the endgame?" Cain said at the top of the segment. "What is Black Lives Matter shooting for? What is the goal? What is the sign of progress? Answer that question. If you're not seeking the answer to that question or providing it, not only do I not think you're an ally, I think you are probably working against it. Without an answer to that, we have a society spinning off in different directions."

Cain's segment can be heard below:


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