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A Golden State Warriors executive went from keeping her child secret from colleagues to championing working parents

Meredith Cash   

A Golden State Warriors executive went from keeping her child secret from colleagues to championing working parents
  • Jen Millet is the Senior Vice President of Marketing for the Golden State Warriors.
  • Early in her career, Millet kept her daughter a secret from colleagues at various workplaces.
  • Now an executive for a top NBA team, she prioritizes supporting parents within the organization.

Jen Millet is something of a champion for working parents in the sports world.

As the Senior Vice President of Marketing for the Golden State Warriors, Millet oversees all of the marketing efforts for the franchise and its players. She and her more than 75-person team also focused on preparations for the Chase Center's opening - the Warriors' sparkling new venue located in the Mission Bay neighborhood of San Francisco.

But now, with the COVID-19 pandemic changing the way the entire working world conducts business, Millet has been busy leading the charge on Golden State's most public-facing adjustments. And though it's not a part of her official job description, Millet has taken it upon herself to support parents across the Warriors' workplace who are balancing the dual responsibilities of raising children and furthering their careers.

For one of the top-ranking female executives with the Warriors, it's an ever-challenging juggling act with which she is all too familiar. As a young single mother embarking on an ambitious career path, she felt immense pressure to compartmentalize her working life and parenthood.

For a large portion of her career, Millet felt it necessary to keep her daughter a secret

"No one had this conversation with me about parenting - especially single parenting and especially being a single mother - being a career-limiting move in a lot of ways," Millet told Insider. "I just innately understood that ... So I really didn't share that part of myself at all at work, and I tried to never really talk about [Abbey] or never make it seem like I had those responsibilities because I didn't want someone else to have to decide what I could and couldn't take on."

"I felt like if I had talked about all these other things that I had to get done that new opportunities wouldn't be offered to me," she added. "And, at the end of the day, it sadly proved to be a successful tactic."

Successful, sure, but undoubtedly taxing. As Millet rose the ranks with various employers, including StubHub and Pandora, she "was doing all of these things frantically behind the scenes." Between parent-teacher conferences, sick days, play dates, after-school activities, class plays, and everything else that comes with raising a child, Millet had no choice but to forsake regular office routines like after-work social activities and traveling to events and conferences.

"I was out the door at six, but never saying 'I have to go, I have to pick up my daughter from daycare,'" she said. "It was like, 'Hey, I gotta go, I have something to do. I'm out.' I was like a mystery."

Millet noted that those missed social experiences "are important in relationship building." But, for a long time, she did not have the luxury of tapping into those extra networking opportunities.

Even more damaging was the mental toll of segregating her personal and professional lives. Millet "got good at compartmentalizing," she said, but she experienced lots of stress, frustration, and resentment as a result.

"I got to a place where when I put on my work clothes when I dropped Abbey off at childcare every day, boom, I just became almost a different person - that was the only way to separate it," Millet said. "It definitely is not healthy to not bring your whole self to work."

"I recognize that, and I think that's where I never want anyone on my team or just even anyone I work with to feel that way - to feel that they can't be accepted or that an unconscious bias would limit their exposure or potential," she added.

"From a leadership perspective, my biggest takeaway was that it doesn't have to be that way"

Abbey is now a teenager. She drives, has a social life "as much as a 17-year-old can in COVID," and is ready to head off to college next year, all of which gives her mom more flexibility and freedom in the workplace.

Now that Millet is acting more as Abbey's "chief of staff or personal assistant" than as her direct caretaker, she's focused on making sure other parents within the Warriors organization - particularly single parents or parents whose partners are also members of the workforce - don't experience the same hardship and strain in the workplace.

"My philosophy with my team - men or women, especially parents - is just there's a trust there that I have with them," Millet said. "If they're doing what they need to get done and they're meeting goals or surpassing goals, I don't care where they're working or when they're working. That resonated with everyone, but particularly the parents on the team that are predominantly responsible for the household or childrearing work."

More often than not, childcare responsibilities fall on women's shoulders. Research suggests that women in the workforce feel the pandemic's effects far more than their male counterparts, with women facing a higher percentage of recent layoffs and furloughs. Additionally, 25% of women in "corporate America" are now "considering downshifting [their] career or leaving the workforce," thanks to COVID-19.

Millet knows these statistics, and she's prepared to combat them and empower women within the Warriors organization however she can.

"Now that I'm on the other side of this, how do I create a culture that can accommodate parents or mothers who are carrying the load so that we don't lose these women during a pandemic or so that we have a really strong pipeline to make sure that women are represented in the organization?" she posed. "How do I support not just moms but even encourage the working dads on my team to take an active role on behalf of their partner?"

"In some sense, it is the silver lining of the pandemic," Millet added. "We've proven that people can get their work done regardless of whether they're sitting a hundred feet from me or not, and I think coming out of this will allow for the flexibility that parents in particular need in order to manage their lives."

